Elastomer composites
Elastomer components with textile reinforcement systems are used extensively in machine, plant and vehicular engineering. The use of elastomer components is often limited, e.g. by their high degree of self-heating or mechanical fatigue caused by insufficient adhesion between the reinforcement fibers and the elastomer matrix.
Thus, the ITM is pursuing the aim of a significant increase in the durability and performance of elastomer components by integrating high-performance fiber materials like aramid and PPS, and the creation of good adhesion between composite parts. Wet-chemical surface modification and atmospheric pressure plasma treatments or fluoridation of the fibers are promising possibilities to achieve that.
Another research focus is on the provision of significantly improved, application-relevant properties of elastomer composites by developing hybrid yarns with requirement-adapted force-elongation behavior. One approach would be a specific adjustment of the gradient properties in elastomer components by exploiting the high ultimate strain of the elastomer matrix in combination with a targeted design for hybrid yarn constructions, which will allow a specific setting of the ultimate strain in the reinforcement fibers.
Depending on the application case, other properties can be adjusted as well, for instance in the case of components exposed to heat, like rollers in high-RPM textile machines. Heat-conducting textile structures within the elastomer matrix can be used to maintain a targeted heat management in the component. ITM research results show that the development of innovative textile structures like 3D-knitted fabrics from wire or biaxial non-crimp fabrics from carbon fibers, and their integration into the elastomer layer, make improved roller cooling feasible.
Current research work is focusing on the development of adaptive fiber-elastomer composites for the realization of complex forming patterns in technical applications.
Contact person:
Mr Dr. Thomas Gereke
Research Group Leader Structure & Process Simulation
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