Examinations Office of the Faculty of Mechanical Science and Engineering
Table of contents
In our office:
- you can obtain information on study and examination regulations
- you can register for your study section (admission to graduate degree, bachelors and masters examinations)
- you can register your subject/module examinations
- you can withdraw from a registered examination (withdrawals)
you can obtain confirmations of examination achievements and the status of your studies for:
- authorities and scholarship providers
- grants under the Federal Education Assistance Act
- application purposes
- certificates and documents
- degree certificates
Adress and opening hours
Visitor address: |
Postal address: Technische Universität Dresden Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Examination Office Helmholtzstraße 10 01069 Dresden |
Deadline mailbox: |
Opening hours: Mo / We / Fr |
Contact persons according to Study Courses
- For all students in the Study Course Chemical Engineering (Diploma)
- For all students in the Distance Learning Course Mechanical Engineering (Diploma/ Bachelor/ Postgraduate Course)
- For all students in the Distance Learning Course Process Engineering (Diploma/ Bachelor/ Postgraduate Course)
- For all students in the Study Course Mechanical Engineering (Diploma/ Bachelor/ Postgraduate Course) in the following fields of study
Energy Technology |
Light-Weight Construction |
Aerospace Engineering |
Processing Machines and Textile Machinery Manufacturing |
Processing Machines and Processing Technique |
& for undergraduate students in Mechanical Engineering ++with the surnames M - Z++

Head of Examination Office
NameIvonne Herzog-Schaudick Dipl.-Verk.-Wirtsch.
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Examinations Office
Examinations Office
Visiting address:
Zeuner-Bau, Room 214 George-Bähr-Strasse 3c
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
- Tuesday:
- 09:00 - 11:30
- 13:00 - 17:00
- Thursday:
- 09:00 - 11:30
- 13:00 - 15:30
Mo / Mi / Fr - Termine für dringende Angelegenheiten nur nach vorheriger Vereinbarung. Telefonanrufe können während der Öffnungszeiten nur eingeschränkt entgegengenommen werden. Rufen Sie daher bitte außerhalb dieser Zeiten an.
- For all students in the Study Course Process Engineering (Diploma/ Bachelor/ Postgraduate studies)
- For all students in the Study Course Process Engineering and Natural Materials Engineering (Diploma/ Bachelor/ Postgraduate Course)
- For all students in the Study Course Mechanical Engineering (Diploma/ Bachelor/ Postgraduate Studies) in the following field of study
General and constructive mechanical engineering |
& for undergraduate students in Mechanical Engineering ++with the surnames F - L++

Employee in the Examinations Office
NameMaya Sevecke
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Examinations Office
Examinations Office
Visiting address:
Zeuner-Bau, Raum 214 George-Bähr-Strasse 3c
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
- Tuesday:
- 09:00 - 11:30
- 13:00 - 17:00
- Thursday:
- 09:00 - 11:30
- 13:00 - 15:30
Mo / Mi / Fr - Termine für dringende Angelegenheiten nur nach vorheriger Vereinbarung. Telefonanrufe können während der Öffnungszeiten nur eingeschränkt entgegengenommen werden. Rufen Sie daher bitte außerhalb dieser Zeiten an.
- For all students in the Study Course Material Science (Diploma/ Bachelor/ Postgraduate Course)
- For all students in the Study Course Textile and Confection Technology (Master)
- For all students in the Study Course Mechanical Engineering (Diploma/ Bachelor/ Postgraduate Studies) in the following fields of study
Applied Mechanics |
Workplace Design |
Production Engineering |
Simulation Methods in Mechanical Engineering |
Automotive and Rolling Stock Engineering |
Processing Machines and Textile Machinery Manufacturing |
& for undergraduate students in Mechanical Engineering ++with the surnames A - E++

Employee in the Examinations Office
NameSimone Damm
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Examinations Office
Examinations Office
Visiting address:
Zeuner-Bau, Raum 214 George-Bähr-Strasse 3c
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
- Tuesday:
- 09:00 - 11:30
- 13:00 - 17:00
- Thursday:
- 09:00 - 11:30
- 13:00 - 15:30
Mo / Mi / Fr - Termine für dringende Angelegenheiten nur nach vorheriger Vereinbarung. Telefonanrufe können während der Öffnungszeiten nur eingeschränkt entgegengenommen werden. Rufen Sie daher bitte außerhalb dieser Zeiten an.
Further contact persons

Employee in the Examinations Office
NameMarlen Maus
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Examinations Office
Examinations Office
Visiting address:
Zeuner-Bau, Raum 214 George-Bähr-Strasse 3c
01069 Dresden
Frau Maus ist bis auf Weiteres nicht im Dienst, die Vertretung übernimmt Frau Herzog-Schaudick.
Office hours:
- Tuesday:
- 09:00 - 11:30
- 12:30 - 14:00
- Thursday:
- 09:00 - 11:30
Mo / Mi - Termine für dringende Angelegenheiten nur nach vorheriger Vereinbarung. Telefonanrufe können während der Öffnungszeiten nur eingeschränkt entgegengenommen werden. Rufen Sie daher bitte außerhalb dieser Zeiten an.
Der Fachschaftsrat Maschinenwesen hat sich bei den Mitarbeiter:innen des Prüfungsamtes für ihre Arbeit v.a. unter den Pandemiebedingungen bedankt & eine herzerwärmende Tasse anfertigen lassen. Auch wir bedanken uns für das Engagement des FSR!
"1.5 years of digital life affect all parts of the Faculty of Mechanical Science and Engineering. Great difficulties have arisen and particular in the examination office. We are all the more pleased with the recognition we have received in many mails & now especially beautifully expressed by the FSR." Professor Odenbach, Dean of Studies