Alumni and support associations
After graduation, you may have to say goodbye to everyday student life, to friends and perhaps to Dresden, but it doesn't necessarily have to be goodbye to the university.
Stay in touch with your university! Become a member of the association "Freunde und Förderer der Faculty of Mechanical Science and Engineering der TU Dresden e.V." or one of the faculty's numerous alumni clubs.
- Akademischer Club Leichtbau an der TU Dresden e. V. (ACL)
- Academic Paper Engineering Association at TU Dresden e.V. (APV Dresden)
- Dresden Society of Friends of Machine Tools and Control Engineering (DWM)
- Dresden Society for Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering (Dresdner Gesellschaft für Verfahrenstechnik und Chemieingenieurwesen e.V.)
- Dresden Association for the Promotion of Fluid Technology (DVF) e.V.
- Friends of Historical Agricultural Engineering Dresden e.V.
- Friends and Sponsors of Technical Design at the TU Dresden e.V.
- Friends of Dresden Machining and Ablation Technology (FDZAT)
- Friends and Supporters of the Institute of Textile Machinery and High Performance Material Technology at TUD Dresden University of Technology e.V.
- Association of Academic Wood Engineers at the TU Dresden e.V.
- Association for the Promotion of Engineering Education in Building and Energy Technology Dresden e.V.
- Association for the Promotion of the Max Bergmann Center for Biomaterials Dresden e.V. """ Contact """ Association of Supporters of the Max Bergmann Center of Biomaterials Dresden