Internationalization Award 2020
In 2020, the Internationalization Award was announced with a focus on special commitment to a culture of welcome. This year, two initiatives and two individuals will receive awards:
- X-Mas Tram e.V.: Under the motto "So that no one has to celebrate Christmas alone!" the association is committed to Christmas buddies between international students and Dresden citizens.
- International Theatre Workshop: Since 2016, international and German university members of TU Dresden have been meeting to play theater together in order to directly experience and reflect on different cultures.
- Siavash Ghiasvand: At the "Science Beer" event, scientists present their research topics once a month in Dresden bars and exchange ideas with colleagues and people interested in science.
- Fatema Darbar: For the past six years, Fatema Darbar has organized a regular get-together for international and German university members, thus contributing to the integration of international people into German society.

The winners of 2020 and Peter Rosenbaum
Get to know the winners of 2020:
A total of 25 initiatives showed in their applications how they are committed to a cosmopolitan and international campus at TU Dresden. The four award winners will now have the opportunity to present their projects to a wider TU public and will report on the impact the Corona pandemic has had on their work.
Interview with Fatema Darbar, Winner 3rd place Internationalisation Award 2020: Interview Project "Stammtisch - German Conversation Evenings"
Interview with Siavash Ghiasvand, Winner 3rd place Internationalisation Award 2020: Interview Projects "Science Beer" and "Cultural Interchange" und Instagram Posting
Interview with Laura Park talking about the project "International Theatre Workshop", which won the 2nd place of the Internationalisation Award 2020 and Instagram Posting from Maria Richter-Babekoff
Interview and Instagram Posting with Anja Albrecht whose project "X-MAS Tram" won the 1st place of the internationalisation Award 2021
Fotokampagne zur Ausschreibung:
A total of 6,000 euros in prize money is available from the Excellence Strategy of the federal and state governments. The X-Mas Tram and the theater workshop share 4000 euros, the Science Beer and the Stammtisch each receive 1000 euros. A continuation of the prize is also planned for next year.