Internationalization Award 2022
After a successful call in 2021 with a total of 18 applications and an award ceremony in the presence of the extended rectorate, TU Dresden once again opens up the call for the Internationalization Award in 2022. For the 6th time we would like to honor and shine a light on the people and initiatives at the TU Dresden who, with their commitment, make a valuable and sustainable contribution to the internationalisation of our university.
And the winner is... Award Ceremony and Announcement of the winners 2022
On October 19th 2022, the official ceremony of the Internationalization Award took place in the Dülfer hall in the presence of Professor Ronald Tetzlaff, Chief Officer Technology Transfer. The projects and initiatives awarded this year were kept secret until the end and only announced during the event.

From the left: Daniela Mohrich (International Office), 2 representatives from Sprachcafé (winning project: International Campus and Community), Yuliia Haluza (DAAD Award for International Students), 2 representatives from Team AufeinanderAchten (winning project: Innovative International Research Cooperation), Ianina Scheuch ( winner: Exceptional Engagement and Empowerment), 2 representatives from the Student Welcome Initiative (winning project: Exceptional Engagement and Empowerment), Prof. Stamm from the ABCD-Centre (winning project: Social Responsibility and Global Impact) and Philip Grünauer (International Office).
A total of 20 applications, which impressively show the diversity of internationalization at TU Dresden, were submitted this year. Numerous initiatives that promote an international campus and a welcoming culture, often based on the tireless personal commitment of volunteers, as well as innovative cross-national and cross-continental research collaborations with a focus on sustainability and pressing issues of our time such as climate change and mental health, show how internationalization is lived at TU Dresden.
An evaluating committee consisting of representatives of TU Dresden's international advisors, an alumni ambassador, a student representative and one of the previous year's award winners chose the following projects:
In the category International Campus and Community Christina Cron is honored on behalf of the Sprachcafé project of the Hochschulgruppe der Navigatoren. Launched in 2018, the Sprachcafé, that takes place once a week, aims to promote learning German in a playful way, to break down language barriers, and to create a place where international students and also refugees have the opportunity to exchange ideas and feel welcomed and at home. The evaluating committee particularly emphasizes the personal commitment and stresses that low-threshold offers like these are not to be underestimated in their importance for a safe, welcoming and intercultural environment.

From the left: Qin Hu (International Office) with Christina Cron and Olga Schmidt of Sprachcafé (Winning project: International Campus and Community)
In the category Innovative International Research Cooperation Judith Herbers on behalf of the „Team AUFEINANDERACHTEN“ is awarded for the exchange project "Global Mental Health and Social Innovation". The project takes place in cooperation with universities in Ghana and Kenya and aims for its participants to learn innovative approaches to mental health from each other. The selection committee praises the innovative approach of the project and emphasizes that since mental health issues are still often stigmatized, it is important to bring this topic more into the spotlight.

Maike Heitkamp-Mai (TU Dresden) and two representatives of the project Global Mental Health and Social Innovation (winning project: Innovative International Research Cooperation)
The ABCD-Centre, represented by Prof. Dr. Jürgen Stamm, receives the award in the category Social Responsibility and Impact. The Center, which was founded in 2021 together with RWT Aachen, UNU-FLORES and universities in the global South (ITM Chennai and AIT Bangkok), acknowledges that global challenges such as safe access to water and climate adaptation can only be addressed on an international level. The selection committee recognizes the role of the ABCD-Centre as a contribution to addressing the global challenges of our time and as an important building block for the further development of TU Dresden as a global university of the 21st century.

Philip Grünauer (International Office) and Prof. Stamm from the ABCD-Centre (Winning project: Social Responsibility and Global Impact)
Not one but two winners were selected for the category Exceptional Engagement and Empowerment. Himanshu Patel receives the Internationalization Award on behalf of the Student Welcome Initiative. The initiative makes a valuable contribution to the culture of welcome by providing practical and personal support for new international students with the help of 200 volunteers. Its services include more than 20 information sessions on topics such as visas, health insurance, student housing, and even includes personal pick-up from the airport and support with administrative procedures.

Shubhada Shetti (Studentenwerk) with Himanshu Patel and Dr. Avinash Chekuru of the Student Welcome Initiative (Winning Project: Exceptional Engagement and Empowerment)
For her extensive involvement in the projects International Story Slam, Diversity and Belonging MeetUp and Time to Thrive, Ianina Scheuch, who is also a Regional Ambassador for Ukraine and the UK at TU Dresden, receives as well the award in the category Exceptional Engagement and Empowerment. All three projects have in common that they act as a link between international and Dresden citizens and aim to create an environment and community where international and diverse people feel welcome and included in the city of Dresden.

Ianina Scheuch (Winner: Exceptional Engagement and Empowerment)
The selected projects and initiatives were honored during the award ceremony by members of the extended rectorate and the evaluating committee. Another highlight of the event was the announcement of the winner of the DAAD Award for International Students, Mrs Yuliia Haluza. The DAAD Award is presented to international students who stand out with their exceptional academic achievements and social or intercultural commitment during their studies at TU Dresden.

Yuliia Haluza (DAAD Award Winner 2022) with Dr. Max Yun and Luise Thalheim
The event was accompanied by performances from previous award winners and a networking reception. During the event, it once again became clear how committed the members of our university are to diversity and the internationalization of our university and how important the Internationalization Award is for making this commitment visible and, in particular, for honoring it.
We are already looking forward to the continuation of the Internationalization Award in 2023.

NameDaniela Mohrich
International Funding Programmes
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