Funding Program Internationalization
Table of contents
The funding program internationalization is part of the excellence strategy 'TUD 2028 - Synergy and beyond' and is embeded within the EXU focus area COLLABORATION. The Internationalization funding program intends to strengthen the Internationalization Strategy “TU Dresden - Connected to the World” and the professional and strategic profiling of the TU Dresden as well as promote Dresden as a location for science. The funding program supports projects that contribute to the extension of international cooperations in order to create far-reaching, research-strong collaborations with an impact on studies and teaching as well as transfer.
Goals of the Funding Program
- Initiating and extending international research collaborations
Increasing the internationalization of the TU Dresden and its campus
- Improving the general conditions for international cooperation in research and research-oriented teaching
- Improving TU Dresden's position on the international stage
- (Further) development of strategic partnerships
- in Poland and the Czech Republic (regional partnerships),
- in Delft and Zurich,
- with IIT Madras and Stellenbosch University (partnerships in the Global South)
- with the partner network in Taiwan
Cooperation with King's College are funded via the transCampus Funding programme. Further information on strategic priorities and other funding opportunities can be found on the pages linked above.
Funding is possible for projects that fall into the following categories:
- Mobility and short stays between the TU Dresden and the international partner
- Events at TU Dresden (workshops with the international partner, summer schools, international conferences). Please note the information given under „Application“.
- Joint application for third-party funding for research projects with international partners as well as preparing and working on joint publications
- Development and establishment of (digitally supported) study programmes

© Peters

© Haupt

© Haupt

© Haupt

© Tomasz Hołod

© Dr. Dirk Jungmann

© Dr. Dirk Jungmann

© Prof. Dr. Yordan Kyosev

© Lordick

© Prof. Dr. Uwe Gampe

© Klaus Gigga

© Dr. Mirko Breitenstein

© Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Feger

© Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Feger

© Prof. Dr. Judith Migglebrink

© Dr. Tatiana Sandoval-Guzmán

© Jun.-Prof. Dr. Susann Wagenknecht

© Prof. Dr. Yael Politi


© Prof. Dr. Klavdia Smola

© Lucas Klinkenbusch

© Martius

© Grundmann

© Sven Ellger

© Sven Ellger
All employees of the TU Dresden are eligible to apply and receive funding.
Applications for projects with a maximum application volume of EUR 15,000 can be submitted by the 25th of each month. Small projects up to a maximum of EUR 2,000 can be submitted at any time. Please note that applications must be submitted at least two months before the start of the project. Subsequent funding for projects that have already taken place or projects that take place immediately after the application deadline cannot be considered. The next application deadlines are January 27th, February 25th and March 25th 2025. Please note that applications for the current calendar year can be submitted until August. Applications for the following year are accepted from September onwards. Multi-year funding is not possible. We recommend consulting in advance of the application.
Applications for projects with a requested funding volume between 15,000 EUR and max. 25,000 EUR can be submitted quarterly. The application deadlines for 2025 are February 25th, May 26th, August 25th and November 25th. Applications with a requested funding volume above 25,000 EUR cannot be considered.
Please note that the Internationalization funding program can only provide project-related seed funding (no renewed funding of projects that have already been funded by the Internationalization funding program). There is no cross-funding of ongoing activities and projects. Funding of activities that represent a permanent task of the TU Dresden is also not possible. Measures that are already fully covered by other (funding) programs of the TUD (e.g. funding programs of the Graduate Academy, Dresden Fellowship Program, Dresden-concept) cannot be considered.
- Application form and example of a template for the finance calculation
- Additionally for event formats (international conferences/meetings, summer schools at TU Dresden): Form “International scientific events”
Final report (the link will be provided with the funding letter)
Please submit your application as PDF with application form, financial plan, aaditional form for event formats if applicable, and additional information (e.g. Work plan including milestones, program draft for conferences and summer schools, CVs of invited speakers, offers that further explain requested costs) via e-mail to .
Information on cost categories eligible for funding and further notes
The project must comply with the regulations and guidelines of the TUD (in particular procurement guidelines, hospitality guidelines (both in German only)) and the Saxon Travel Expenses Act (in German only).
Eligible cost types:
- travel and accommodation costs outgoing according to SächsRKG (the travel cost law of the state of Saxony)
- Incoming travel and accommodation costs (DAAD flat rates can serve as a guide)
- expenses for international workshops and international scientific events (for public events also costs for interpreters/ translations, if the TUD Translation Office has no capacity)
- Project-related PR
- Student assistent (SHK)/ scientific assistent (WHK), honorarium - please note the activities eligible for SHK/ WHK in accordance with the circular letter D2/3/2024 and the currently applicable hourly rates. You can apply for partial project-related financing of auxiliary staff. The TUD procurement guidelines apply to honorarium and contract for services (Werkvertrag).
- Project-related consumables for the preparation of joint project applications and joint publications, up to a maximum of 50 percent of the funding volume or up to a maximum amount of EUR 3,000
The Internationalization funding programme aims to support mobility and partnership in a globally networked research community. At the same time, TU Dresden is aware of its responsibility for future generations and considers conveying environmental awareness in research and teaching and implementing it in its daily work. As those responsible for the internationalization funding program, we would like to provide impetus as to how international mobility as well as event organization can be designed sustainably here on campus. As a first step towards the sustainable organization of international exchange, we refer to the DAAD's perspective paper „Sustainable Mobility“ and the guidelines for the implementation of sustainable events provided by TU Dresden's environmental management.
FAQ - Information for applicants and recipients of funding
- basic responsibilities of TUD (e. g. setting up/equipping PC workstations)
- financing of other institutions
- decoration, tips, gifts, visas (for guests), interpreters (exceptions, see above), (health) insurance, business class tickets, financing of industry partners
- conference attendance/conference grants/conference fees
- translations (documents, articles, specialist publications, web presence etc.)
- certain event formats: commemorative, festive and anniversary colloquia
- resources for personnel – except SHK/WHK (student and research assistants), scholarships for guests (in particular those representing strategic partners), honorarium, contract for services (Werkvertrag)
- Catering for internal participants only or external participants less than 50%
- Aquisitions that become part of the TU Dresden inventory
Projects related to study and teaching are only eligible for funding to a limited extent. Support from EXU funds is only possible if the project is clearly aligned with the programme objective "Promotion of top-level research" and if the project serves to raise the TUD's professional and strategic profile in accordance with the objectives of the internationalisation strategy. Projects that are limited to joint teaching formats between the partners and pure student exchanges are not eligible for funding.
A selection committee consisting of representatives of the International Affairs Commission reviews the regular monthly applications and makes the funding decision. For the quarterly applications with a maximum application volume of 25,000 EUR, the selection committee is joined by the responsible member of the rectorate, the Chief Officer Technology Transfer and Internationalization.
In addition to fulfilling the formal requirements, the selection criteria include the quality of the project and its relevance for implementing the Internationalisation Strategy “TU Dresden – Connected to the World” or the decentralised internationalisation strategies of the Schools.
In principle, there is no legal entitlement to funding.
As a rule, the notification of funding is issued within a maximum of two months after the respective application deadline. For financial planning security, it is recommended that you apply for activities that will take place no earlier than three months after submission of the application.
The applicant is responsible for implementing the activity that has been applied for. Our team will be happy to advise you on the application process and project preparation. We also offer support in cooperating with the corresponding departments of the central university administration. Please contact us in advance before starting to implement your project.
In the case of interdisciplinary activities or those that will extend beyond the boundaries of an Institute/Department/School, the person(s) in overall charge must be clearly identified.

NameDaniela Mohrich
International Funding Programmes
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Free State of Saxony as part of the Excellence Strategy of the Federal and State Government.