Internationalization Award 2024
Table of contents
After a break last year, the Internationalization Award is back in its 7th edition. The award recognizes individuals, initiatives and projects that are particularly committed to promoting international cooperation, networking and a welcoming culture at our university. The aim is to honor outstanding achievements and increase their visibility.
As in previous years, we received many applications that impressively showcase the diversity of internationalization activities at TU Dresden. They range from international research projects that address global challenges such as climate change, working conditions, mental health and environmental pollution to student exchange projects and the development of teaching concepts to raise interest among pupils in quantum physics. The tireless efforts of university members to strengthen the welcoming culture on campus, to create places of encounter or to improve the framework conditions for international students to gain a foothold at TU Dresden show how diverse internationalization is practiced at our university.
The award ceremony took place on October 22nd, 2024 with the Vice-Rector for University Culture, Professor Roswitha Böhm, in the festive hall of TU Dresden’s Rectorate.
This year’s award winners were selected by a committee consisting of representatives from Internationalization, the Rectorate, a student representative and a 2022 award winner. All of the applications submitted illustrate the high level of commitment and dedication with which the respective project managers devote themselves to the internationalization of our university. The selection was not easy for the committee and was made after careful consideration and extensive discussions.
Our thanks are due to all the projects submitted and especially to the people associated with them. They stand for the immense commitment, acta s role models and promote internationalization at our university with their efforts.

(v.l.n.r, v.o.n.u.) Amelie Wagner, Dr. Sebastian Spitzer, Dr. André Lindner, Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm, Moritz Habbig, Sarah Nieder, Maria-Catalina Costache, Dr. Marolyn Vidaurre de Mulcyk, Daniela Mohrich
International Campus & Community
In this category, the committee chose to honor the student association “elbMUN” (elbe Model United Nations e.V.), which works to promote young peoples’ interest in the United Nations and international cooperation. The selection committee particularly emphasized that the initiative addresses students and teaches them valuable diplomatic skills, which are of central importance in the light of global challenges such as climate change and international conflicts.

Preisträger Moritz Habbig (elbMUN e.V. Vorstand) und Laudatorin Dr. Ianina Scheuch
Innovative International Research Cooperation
In the category “Innovative International Research Cooperation”, the “National Network Korea” was honored. This initiative of the Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology (ILK) strengthens the cooperation between TU Dresden and South Korean partners in the fields of lightweight construction and material science. Through joint research projects, the exchange of students and scientists and global networking, the network achieves excellent scientific results and increases the international visibility of the ILK. The selection committee recognizes the project as an outstanding example of a successful research cooperation that strengthens the international competitiveness of TU Dresden.

Preisträger Dr. Sebastian Spitzer (Ländernetzwerk Korea) und Laudatorin Maike Heitkamp-Mai
Social Responsibility and Impact
This category recognizes projects that tackle urgent social problems through international cooperation and engagement. This year, two exceptional initiatives, GAIA-ME (Global Academic Impact Initiative for Multilateral Engagement) and INREM (International Alumni Export Network “Integrated Natural Resources and Environmental Management), were honored, each making a unique contribution to global social responsibility efforts.
The GAIA-ME initiative impressively illustrates the central role that universities in general, and TU Dresden in particular, play in tackling global challenges, promoting multilateral cooperation and assuming social responsibility. The exclusive opportunity to host side events during the UN Water Conference 2023 and the SDG Summit 2023 provides TU Dresden with a unique selling point and opens up new spaces for international cooperation at the highest level.

Preisträger Dr. André Lindner (GAIA-ME) und Laudatorin Lisa-Marie Schwanebeck
Founded in 2022, the INREM network of the Faculty of Environmental Sciences connects 3,000 international alumni in a unique transnational initiative aimed at sustainable exchange and development as well as international networking. Many of the alumni now work in well-known organizations such as the United Nations Development Program, WWF or ministries worldwide. Their exchange during regular alumni seminars organized by the network strengthens international cooperation both at the interface of environment and development as well as research and practice for increased knowledge transfer between the global South and the global North. The selection committee praised the initiative for its added value and high level of commitment to networking international alumni from various fields.

Laudatorin Paula Felicitas Gruhl und Preisträgerin Dr. Marolyn Vidaurre de Mulcyk (INREM)
Exceptional Engagement and Empowerment
This category honors those who show exceptional commitment to internationalization which goes far beyond the scope of their work at TUD. She breaks down barriers by revealing hidden obstacles and provides hands-on solutions. Amelie Wagner receives the Internationalization Award 2024 for her extensive efforts to actively support the integration of international students, especially those from non-EU countries. The selection committee praises her exemplary dedication, which offers immense added value for international students and is crucial in ensuring that their stay at TU Dresden is a positive experience. Amelie Wagner thus makes a significant contribution to strengthening the international community at TU Dresden.

Laudator Philip Grünauer und Preisträgerin Amelie Wagner
The award ceremony of the DAAD Prize for International Students
Another highlight of Tuesday’s event was the presentation of the DAAD Award for International Students to Maria-Catalina Costache. The prize is awarded to students who distinguish themselves through outstanding academic achievements and social or intercultural commitment during their studies at TU Dresden. Maria-Catalina Costache is being honored for her many years of commitment to the student platform AEGEE-Europe e.V. and its Dresden branch. She also organized the “Unissued Diplomas” exhibition at TU Dresden, which commemorates Ukrainian students who have lost their lives since the beginning of the Ukraine war in 2022.

Prof. Dr. Roswitha Böhm and award winner Maria-Catalina Costache
During the award ceremony, the selected projects and initiatives were honored by members of the Extended Rectorate, the evaluating committee and a representative of the SMWK. Each award winner then presented their project and commitment in a short keynote speech. The subsequent networking reception offered all applicants and members of the International Office the opportunity to network and exchange ideas. The dedication of many members of our university to diversity, a welcoming culture and internationalization deserves special recognition and visibility, which we would like to highlight with the Internationalization Award.
The Strategy and Internationalization Team looks forward to the continuation of the Internationalization Award in 2025 and further exciting projects of our committed TUD community.

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NameDaniela Mohrich
International Funding Programmes
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International Office
International Office
Visiting address:
Fritz Foerster Bau, Office 167 Mommsenstraße 6
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology International Office
01062 Dresden

NameSarah Nieder
Dresden Fellowship Program and Eleonore Trefftz Program
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International Office
International Office
Visiting address:
Fritz Foerster Bau, Office 167 Mommsenstraße 6
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology International Office
01062 Dresden