Jobs und Abschlussarbeiten
Alle offenen Postdoc- und Doktorandenstellen in der Gruppe werden auf Inspire veröffentlicht. Darüber hinausgehend freuen wir uns über Deine E-Mail, falls Du an Themen arbeiten möchtest, die in das Profil der Gruppe passen.
Falls Du als Student gern Deine Bachelor- oder Master-Arbeit mit einem Projekt in unserer Gruppe durchführen möchtest, dann kontaktiere Frank Siegert, um potentielle Themen zu besprechen. Da die Gruppe an der Schnittstelle zwischen Experiment und Theorie (der Teilchenphysik) arbeitet, steht ein breites Spektrum an Themen zur Verfügung, sei es in Verbindung mit Messungen des ATLAS-Detektors am CERN, oder Theoriesimulationen für solche Messungen, oder sogar technischere Aspekte über Monte-Carlo-Methoden.
Für Bachelor/Master-Studenten: Folien Informationsveranstaltung Januar 2021
Beispiel-Themen für Abschlussarbeiten auf Bachelor oder Master-Niveau
- Photon pair measurements with the ATLAS detector
Skills required and/or acquired:
Linux/command line
Python or C++ programming
Basic concepts of particle detectors
"Designing and testing new photon isolation criteria"
"Binning optimisation for doubly-differential observables"
Monte Carlo predictions for photon pair production
Skills required and/or acquired:
Linux/command line
C++ or Python programming
Differential cross sections
Matrix elements and Feynman diagrams
Perturbation theory
"Phenomenological Monte Carlo studies of photon pairs in association with heavy-flavour jets"
Understand SM H(yy)H(bb) analysis and potentially BSM->HH searches (boosted -> merged b-jets)
Write Rivet analysis for typical analysis observables/cuts
Generate background predictions with LO+PS, NLO+PS, MEPS@NLO, fusing
Learn about statistics of limit setting
"Loop-induced diphoton production"
"Designing and testing new photon isolation criteria"
"Implementation and validation of analytical fragmentation functions for photon production in a Monte Carlo simulation"
Efficiency improvements in Monte Carlo algorithms
Skills required and/or acquired:
Linux/command line
Python programming
Monte Carlo & machine learning (AI) algorithms
"Test machine-learning based MC unweighting in different final states"
Potential test-case: gg->4l+j with mll>2
"Integration methods based on parton shower principles"
Monte Carlo predictions for unstable particles at the next-to-leading order
Skills required and/or acquired:
Linux/command line
Perturbation theory
Strong interaction
"Beyond LO accuracy for decay cascades: NLO+PS matching or ME corrections in hard decay handler"
"Higgs -> 4 leptons decay improvements"
QED/QCD effects
Compare/interface Prophecy4f
"Phenomenological study of different evolution variables in resonance-aware calculations"
"Adapting process-specific resonance algorithms to other processes"
- Other topics on Monte Carlo theory predictions
- "Implementation of more accurate matrix elements for hadron and tau decays"
- "Study of the behaviour of local NLO K-factors in processes with 'giant K-factors' like WZ production"
- (possibly in cooperation with the ATLAS VBS group of Michael Kobel)
- "Phenomenlogical study of jet mass distributions" (Bachelor only)
- Predictions with Sherpa
- Comparison to analytical results from Salam + Dasgupta
- Impact of non-perturbative physics, like MPI (massless/massive?), primordial kT, ...
- "Colour algebra calculator" (Bachelor only)
- "Tree-level amplitudes in the spinor/helicity and MHV formalisms" (Bachelor only)
- "Inclusive Z+jets clustering and Z[ll]Z[bb]-like configurations"
Weitere Informationen über Abschlussarbeiten in unserem Institut finden sich auf dieser Website.