Frank Siegert
About Me
I currently lead the Chair of Particle Physics at the IKTP here in Dresden. Please find more information about our research and teaching at that link.
Previously I built up an Emmy Noether research group at the IKTP here in Dresden. We were working at the interface between experiment and theory for LHC physics and had a particular focus on QCD Monte Carlo simulations and ATLAS measurements sensitive to their modelling aspects.

Nachwuchsgruppenleiter und Professurvertreter
NameDr. Frank Siegert
Professur für Teilchenphysik
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Nach Vereinbarung
Research Areas
My work deals with the field of high-energy particle physics.
More specifically, on the one hand, I work on the simulation of particle collision experiments through Monte-Carlo event generators. I am one of the authors of the Sherpa program, which is a multi-purpose event generator for high-energy colliders.
I am also a member of the ATLAS experiment, where I am mainly interested in Standard Model analyses and physics modelling by Monte-Carlo event generators.
Another project which I contribute to is Rivet, a toolkit for validation and tuning of Monte-Carlo event generators.