The unequal participation of the genders in funding projects of the European Social Fund
Despite great efforts to promote women in science, significantly fewer women than men continue their qualification in science careers. It is striking that positive developments in Germany are slower than in other European countries. The participation of women in projects in Saxony funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) in higher education also reflects this situation. The desired goal of gender balance was significantly missed in the last ESF funding period (2014 to 2020), with about two-thirds of men funded compared to one-third of women funded.
The junior research group GAP investigates the reasons for the unequal participation of the genders in funding projects of the European Social Fund (ESF) at universities in Saxony. In addition, it will be shown which of these reasons are anchored within the system of higher education institutions. Based on these findings, recommendations for action will be derived to counteract the identified causes within the university or programs. The results should help to ensure equal gender participation in future ESF measures and to reduce possible barriers in the system.
The research focus extends to the ESF areas of junior research groups, doctoral fellowships, and student success projects.