Irena Domachowska

NameDr. Irena Domachowska
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- self-regulation, i.e. how people regulate their actions, cognitions and emotions
- influence of lay willpower beliefs on the perception of effort and effort expenditure
- effects of positive emotions on cognitive control and attention
- effects of ostracism on behaviour
Irena Domachowska is a postdoctoral researcher. Her research combines the areas of cognitive, social and health psychology. Her current research projects include effects of lay beliefs about willpower on the perception of effort and management of diabetes. She is passionate about teaching and making psychological knowledge accessible to the public.
Irena completed her PhD at the Chair of General Psychology on the effects of positive affect on attention and cognitive control. She holds a Master in Psychology from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and a Research Master in Social Psychology from the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam.
Dr. Irena Domachowska leitet an der Professur für Entwicklungspsychologie und Neurowissenschaft der Lebensspanne das Seminar "Lehr-lernpsychologie" für Lehramt (Nebenfach) als Blockseminar.