Xue-Rui Peng

Doctoral Researcher
NameM.Sc. Xue-Rui Peng
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Chair of Lifespan Developmental Neuroscience
Chair of Lifespan Developmental Neuroscience
Visiting address:
Zellescher Weg 17, Room A231
01062 Dresden
Office hours:
by appointment
Xue-Rui Peng holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics from Bohai University. She completed her Master’s Degree in Psychology from Southwest University, China, where she worked on sleep, memory and decision making aging with Professor Jing Yu. Since October 2020, Xue-Rui is working on her PhD in the Lifespan Developmental Neuroscience group at the TU Dresden. She proceeds to investigate the age differences in computational and neurocognitive mechanisms underlying decision making with a focus on information processing.
- Cognitive neuroscience of aging
- Computational models of human decision making and the neural representation
Peng, X.-R., Liu, Y.-R., Fan, D.-Q., Lei, X., Liu, Q.-Y., & Yu, J. (2020). Deciphering age differences in experience-based decision-making: the role of sleep. Nature and Science of Sleep, 12, 679-691.
Peng, X.-R., Lei, X., Xu, P., & Yu, J. (2020). The age-related neural strategy alterations in decision making under risk. Neuroscience, 440, 30-38.
Liu, X.-Y.*, Peng, X.-R.*, Peng, P., Li, L., Lei, X., & Yu, J. (2019). The age differences of sleep disruption on mood states and memory performance. Aging & Mental Health, 24(9), 1444-1451. * equal contribution