May 09, 2016
Summer School of Oral History, under the patronage of Faculty of Humanities of Charles University in Prague, aims to introduce students from all over the world to the newest trends and procedures of oral history, as well as to its theoretical aspects and practical impacts of new media and technology on oral history.
Through practical workshops we will show students how to conduct an oral history interview, how to analyze and interpret it, and also how to archive collected data. Our goal is to establish certain theoretical, methodological, ethical and archival standards of oral history.
If you decide to attend the Summer School of Oral History in Prague this year, you will meet with renowned oral historians, for example: - Rob Perks (United Kingdom) - Alexander von Plato (Germany) - David King Dunaway (USA) - Monika Vrzgulová (Slovakia) - Miroslav Vaněk (Czech Republic) - Pavel Mücke (Czech Republic) and other teachers from our Department of Oral History - Contemporary History. All lecturers will present newest findings of their own research and they will participate in work meetings with students regarding their own student projects. We welcome students whose focus is History, Ethnology, Anthropology or Folkloristics on Bachelor’s, Master’s or Ph.D. level of study. All students will present their own projects, finished or ongoing, within approximately 10-15 minutes with follow-up discussion. By successfully attending the Summer School of Oral History, you can obtain 6 ECTS credits. Did we get your attention? Head over to Application and Fees for further information. We’re looking forward to seeing you at the Summer School of Oral History in Prague! Weiter Infos: