Jan 17, 2024
Sports scholarship holders 2023/24

v.l.n.r.: Prof. Stephan Odenbach (Koordination Sportstipendium), Marko Schimke (DHSZ), Jonas Wagner, Selina Stamer, Sina Stöckmann, Robin Bendig, Simon Schubert, Katja Fuhrmann, Mara Schöley, Nick Breuer (DHSZ)
In the 2023/24 academic year, eight sports scholarships were once again awarded to TU Dresden students who actively participate in competitive sports alongside their studies. The scholarships are intended to make it easier to combine competitive sport and studies. Some of the scholarship holders are receiving the scholarship for the second time and are once again delighted with the support from TU Dresden and the Dresden University Sports Center.
You can read more about this year's scholarship holders and the sports scholarship here:
sports scholarship