Oct 14, 2021
Save energy and improve indoor air - rent CO2 monitors
![eine CO2-Ampel mit digitaler Anzeige](https://tu-dresden.de/tu-dresden/nachhaltigkeit/ressourcen/bilder/co2-ampel/@@images/801cb4cb-04cb-4aeb-ace9-6500d2247a75.jpeg)
There can be a high concentration of CO2 indoors — especially in meeting rooms. This can lead to headaches and a decrease in mental performance. The CO2 monitor helps to create a healthy room climate and save energy. When the air is bad, the display shows a warning sign and even starts a short acoustic signal. At this point, you should ventilate briefly and vigorously with the thermostat turned down. Having the window tilted for a long time with the heating on does not allow good air exchange. A positive side effect: because viruses accumulate in the room air, experts urgently recommend frequent ventilation for rooms with more than one person. The CO2 content of the room air is an indication of this. If it is too high, the air has been largely consumed and the room should be ventilated. The CO2 monitor will tell you the CO2 content in the room you are in. The environmental protection group will soon provide some monitors to borrow for meeting rooms. Please contact Ines Herr, ines.herr@tu-dresden.de, to request a CO2 monitor.