Oct 26, 2023
Youth Climate Conference on 4th November 2023
On 4.11.2023 the Youth Climate Conference take part at Gymnasium Bürgerwiese Dresden, organised by Staatskanzler Dresden and State Student's Council. The TU Dresden is also represented with 5 workshops:
- Tragedy of the commons / Tragik der Allmende - Und was hat dies mit Klimaschutz zu tun? (Faculty of Economics, Chair of Business Administration, in particular Energy Economics, Prof. Dominik Möst & Constantin Dierstein).
- The traffic lights of the future - AI for more traffic justice? (Faculty of Transport Sciences "Friedrich List", Institute of Transport Telematics, Chair of Traffic Process Automation, Dipl.-Ing. Django Adam)
- I have many ideas, but where do I start? (UAG Schools, represented by: Alexandra Seifert, Green Office, Klara-Johanna Fabisch, TU Environmental Initiative & Lea Bänder, student teaching format "SustainAbility: Understanding and Implementing Sustainability").
- No way back? - a big world on a small planet (Department of Construction and Environment, Dr. André Lindner)
- Climate protection through a circular economy, is that possible? (Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Institute for Waste and Recycling Management, Dr. Roman Maletz)
More information on the programme: https://wirmachenklima.jetzt/