User information for staff, other members (except students), as well as members and guests
What contain a login at the ZIH
- a peronally mailbox, disk space for your homepage and other files (disk storage and cpu time will be against of the availably resources)
- use the ZIH pools, central login servers , campus network and the internet
- dial-in the campus network via modem or ISDN, use dial-in at diverse providers and so on the internet
- use the VPN technology
- use WLAN iwithin the TUD installed Accesspoints
You can refer to use instructions, data security, valid time, violation at ZIH resources to the bulletin.
After the application you get a login and password to the ZIH. If you go with the application form to the User Helpdesk at the ZIH you get immediately in writing form or via internal mail. This login is only to use for the studies, the teachings and the research at the TUD. At the first time, you must change the start password in our personal password.
The application form to change a password you can find on the WWW site atZIH. Button "A-Z", keyword "passwort ändern".
E-Mail-Address Guest
Your mail address to this login is
(NNN is a number for the case, we have over user with the same name e.g.: paul.meier, paul.meier2, ...)
For access to the mailbox you need the login and password.
You can show your mail address on the webpages of ZIH under "A-Z", keyword "mail Address, What is my ".
More information to Email you can see on the WWW site at ZIH, button "A-Z", keyword "E-Mail at TU Dresden".
E-mail-address Employees
Employees of the TUD are announced to the ZIH by Personnel Department.
So each of them a mail adress of the form
is reserved for. (NNN is a number in the case, we have several users with the ame name, e.g. paul.meier, paul.meier1, ...).
The use of this TU E-Mail-Adress requires a real target mail box within the
tu-dresden domain. If the user has an account at ZIH, this is used as
standard target mailbox.
central's login servers, access with ssh
computer name | | |
The current PC-pools, opening times, amenities and conditions of use can be found on the web pages of the ZIH in "A-Z", keyword "computer labs".
Home directory
You find your home area of all login servers and in many pc pools at the university. You can use your home area for your data files or WWW sites to folder public_html.
With the VPN access is a security use of resources at the TUD and the SLUB from any remote station whiteout the TUD network possibly. With the help of VPN technology will be a connection for an extern user (e.g. internet about DSL) about the internet (virtual connection) to the TUD network (private net). Further informations "Access data network".
Service desk

Visiting address:
Andreas-Pfitzmann-Bau, Room E036 Nöthnitzer Straße 46
01187 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Support Center Digitalisierung
Service Desk
01062 Dresden
Office hours:
- Monday to Friday:
- 08:00 - 19:00