Jan 15, 2025
Excellence up close: FOSTER and iGEM in the new TU Dresden film
The FOSTER team and students from the iGEM competition were part of the filming of TU Dresden's Excellence Film. The film shows how TU Dresden, as a University of Excellence, combines cutting-edge research and innovative teaching.
FOSTER offers students the opportunity to realize their own research projects and thus actively contribute to cutting-edge research. The Excellence Film shows how FOSTER supports innovative teaching concepts and encourages students on their path into science.
The FOSTER team was accompanied by students from the iGEM team at TU Dresden. The international competition "International Genetically Engineered Machine" (iGEM) is the largest student competition in the field of synthetic biology. In the recent past, the Dresden team successfully dedicated itself to researching a biological platform for the removal of micropollutants such as pharmaceutical residues and nanoplastics - a project that was awarded a gold medal, a TOP10 ranking and several nominations.
The film was shot on a sunny late summer's day in the beautifully landscaped Faculty of Biology building - an inspiring backdrop for the university's commitment.
Would you like to see FOSTER on the big screen and are curious to find out how excellence is shaped at the TUD? Then take a look at the excellence film on YouTube!
By the way: In addition to FOSTER, the Excellence Programs Teaching Synergies Program (TSP) and Teaching Excellence Tracks (Teaching Excellence Tracks) are also part of TU Dresden's Excellence Initiative, which promotes innovative teaching concepts and synergies in teaching.