Activating methods
Activating students within courses can make a significant contribution to increasing motivation and attention. Ideally, active participation by students can also create a personal connection to the topic and thus promote engagement.
When and how is activation possible and necessary?
- In principle in all forms of courses
- in the introduction (activate prior knowledge, create topicality, visualization)
- in the main part (initiate methodically guided teaching discussions)
- at the end
As a general rule, long monologue-based information transfer should be interrupted by activation phases.
Selection of activating methods
Purpose: informal opportunity for all students to speak briefly on a topic
- The teacher asks a question or addresses a topic
- All students express themselves in 1-2 sentences or just keywords
- No discussions during statements (optionally, unclear points can be discussed afterwards)
- A short conclusion is advantageous
Further information can be found here.
Purpose: Written record of newly learned content, insights, personal status and what still needs to be done
- Presentation and, if necessary, visualization of the topic/question
- The students think about it (Think)
- exchange ideas/solutions in pairs - overlapping points are fixed (pair)
- Further exchange in other pair constellations (Share)
Further information can be found here.
Purpose: Students create context-related questions that they consider suitable for the exam, discussion of content, teachers gain insight into students' ideas
- Explanation of the characteristics of examination questions
- Students create exam questions (these should be collected using a suitable online tool - or collected in a box at the end of the course)
- Take up in upcoming sessions
Further information can be found here.
Purpose: cooperative development of a topic
- Division of the seminar group into "home groups" - each home group is given the same topic to work on
- Topic is divided into sub-topics, of which each member of the core group receives one and works on it
- Students with the same subtopics come together in "in-depth groups" and generate and document knowledge together
- All students return to their home groups and can pass on their in-depth knowledge to the other group members
Further information can be found here.
Purpose: Written record of newly learned content, insights, personal status and what still needs to be done
- Preferably at the end of a course
- Instruct students to answer two questions of their choice on a sheet of paper or digitally
- Provide sample questions, e.g: "What important insights have you gained today?" or "What question has remained unanswered?" or specific topic-related questions
- Set a time limit (approx. one minute)
- Incorporate the results in the following LVs if necessary
Further information can be found here.
Purpose: Activation of prior knowledge, collection of thoughts and suggestions on a specific topic
- Naming a term/ a problem/ a thought-provoking question (should be visualized)
- Ideas can either be noted down individually by students or addressed directly in plenary (rule: what is said is neither commented on, nor corrected or criticized. Free associations and imagination are also allowed)
- Everything should be written down on the blackboard or similar
- Ideas should be taken up in the further course of the course and schematized if necessary
Further information can be found here.
Purpose: Discussion in small groups (2 to 4 people) of a question/picture/problem given by the teacher in a hushed voice. There should be an active, thoughtful discussion.
- Set a time limit (short periods of time, e.g. 3 minutes)
- Form groups (students sitting close to each other)
- Exchange on given topic
- End the discussion phase clearly
- Individual results should be queried in the further course of the lecture and visualized if necessary
Further information can be found here.
Many methods can be used in both face-to-face and online teaching. Some are particularly suitable for online teaching. Only suitable tools are required for implementation.
The Center for Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching offers you an overview of various tools that can be used to support digital teaching.