Dealing with challenging situations with students
In contact with students, you may encounter challenging situations ranging from silence to disruption on the part of students.
It is important to remain calm in such moments and to assess the situation. Here you will find tips on how to deal with these challenges constructively.
Checklist to prepare for potentially challenging situations
When it comes to your own teaching and dealing with groups of students, you can take measures to prepare yourself for challenging situations of various kinds.
- Planning, implementation and reflection: Detailed, phased teaching planning can give you and your students confidence.
- Target group analysis: When planning your teaching, consider the background of your students. This can help you to tailor your teaching to the specific needs of your students and prevent any discrepancies that may arise. Watch this video to find out more about target group analysis in teaching.
- Transparency in implementation and matching expectations: Actively involve students in your teaching by communicating didactic plans transparently and making your ideas of teaching and interaction known. Allow students space for feedback.
- Appreciative, constructive interaction with students: At best, be a role model in this regard.
- Plan B: Which situations in your planning present challenges and unpredictable moments? If you are aware of these and have alternatives or action strategies ready, you can act more confidently in the relevant situation.
Location: Familiarize yourself with the (digital) equipment in the room in question. This can give you confidence.
External support and established rules: Identify places you can turn to when problem situations arise that are difficult to resolve (Dean's Office, Faculty Chair, Examination Office, etc.). You can also familiarize yourself with general guidelines, such as house rules.
Tips for dealing with challenges in teaching
Methods for specific situations
The use of teaching methods can also be a good way of preventing or intervening in certain difficult teaching situations.
You will find methods on our website that can help you to design your teaching and thus provide support for the didactic prevention of difficult situations:
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Do you need individual advice? ZiLL is at your disposal with numerous consulting services.