Principle solution for buildings composed of load-bearing TRC components
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Project data
Titel | Title |
Report in the yearbook 2012
From a Textile Concrete Element to a Building

Assembling of a building consisting of TRC components
At the beginning of the Collaborative Research Centre 528 in 1999 its focus was on the fundamental research of the innovative compound building material textile reinforced concrete. Out of this test and development phase more and more practice-orientated projects were started through time. Within the area of non-load-bearing components as for instance self-supporting curtain walls, textile concrete could be transferred
into the state-of-the-art and a wide field
of application was opened up. At load-bearing components the innovative composite construction material could be applied successfully in first pilot projects among other things at the construction of light segment bridges, the renovation and strengthening of ceiling systems or at the project introduced in the paper at hand – a building out of textile concrete.
The aim was the development of a principle solution for buildings fully consisting of single textile concrete elements being mountable and removable any number of times. The textile reinforcement is hereby formed by a fabric out of corrosion resistant carbon fibres. The geometry and the reinforcement of the prefabricated components was thus optimized that all requirements for the load-bearing capacity of the single elements as well as the whole building were met and furthermore a versatile usability was ensured. The filigree and architecturally attractive prefabricated parts can be combined with each other so as to realise buildings with different floor plan.
This aim was achieved with the double-curved, triangular elements with a maximum edge length of about 5 m and a component thickness of 4 cm having been developped in the project. So as to obtain a both-sided exposed concrete quality the prefabricated parts were produced with a component surrounding formwork. A special challenge was in the connection technology and the mounting of the double-curved elements to form a building. So as to test different connection variations such as direct bonding and screwing under use of stainless steel flanges a pavillon with a base area of around 40 m² was built as demonstrator out of six prefabricated parts on the property of the company beweka Betonwerk GmbH in Kahla. The connection methods are still being tested concerning their durability and practicability through the ongoing recording of the deformations of the building.
Report in the yearbook 2011
A Building Made of TRC

Model of a building consisting of TRC components
In the year 1999, when SFB 528 commenced, the research work done in the field of innovative composite building materials such as textile reinforced concrete (TRC) was still in the foreground. However, more and more projects have been launched since the initial testing and developmental phases of this material. This has further empowered us to develop pilot projects in which the textile reinforced concrete is used in structural members such as light-weight bridge segments, or for strengthening of existing RC structures, e.g. roof systems. Non-structural systems such as self-supporting façade elements, which are manufactured e.g. by Heringbau GmbH, TRC represents the state-of-the-art today.
In the past, textile reinforced concrete has seen only limited application in structural members in spite of careful exploration of its many agreeable properties. To change this we have been rigorously working with a two point agenda. On one hand, we are striving for General building inspection approval and on the other hand, we are creating awareness about the material by encouraging individual projects.
The current project is a pavilion made of thin, free formed precast elements. The aim is to develop a basic solution for buildings built entirely with single elements made of TRC. These elements should be combined and disassembled. As the textile reinforcement is made out of corrosion resistant carbon fibers, the necessary concrete cover can be considerably reduced in comparison to common steel reinforcement. Therefore, architecturally and aesthetically appealing structures can be produced. On conjoining several shell-like segments, buildings of different types can be built. In the future bungalows or conference halls will be a possibility with these systems.
The geometry of the finished parts of textile reinforcement were optimized so that in addition to versatile applicability, requirement for the sustainability of individual elements and of the entire building can be achieved. Furthermore, economical production of the system is also made possible. Such a preparation process is being developed by the partner companies.