Alexander Solger

NameAlexander Solger
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Chair of Forest Botany - Molecular Physiology of Woody Plants
Chair of Forest Botany - Molecular Physiology of Woody Plants
Visiting address:
Cotta-Bau, Room 2.16 Pienner Str. 7
01737 Tharandt
since 2010 | Member of academic-technical staff at the team "Molecular Physiology of Woody Plants" located at the Institute of Forest Botany and Forest Zoology, research project FastWOOD |
1992 | Degree obtained: Diplom-Forstingenieur, TU Dresden |
1987-1992 | Study of Forestry, TU Dresden |
Wood anatomy (Mikrotom, preparation of microscopic slides)
Teaching (Part of Modul ‘Urban trees’)
Eco-physiology (Measurement of transpiration and photosynthesis, hydraulic conductivity), phenology