Matthias Meyer

NameDr. Matthias Meyer
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since 2002 | Member of academic staff at the team "Molecular Physiology of Woody Plants", Institute of Forest Botany and Forest Zoology |
2009 | Obtaining the doctoral degree Dr. rer. silv. at the TU Dresden |
Title of the doctoral thesis:"Trockenheitsreaktionen und holzanatomische Eigenschaften der Zitter-Pappel (Populus tremula L.) – Physiologie und QTL-Mapping (Water Deficit Reaction and Wood Anatomical Characteristics of European Aspen (Populus tremula L.) – Physiology and QTL-Mapping)“ in German with English summary and captions | |
2002 | Degree obtained: Diplom-Forstwirt, TU Dresden |
Title of the Diploma thesis: "Untersuchungen zur Verbreitung der Langhornböcke (Monochamus spp.) in Deutschland und zu deren Bedeutung als Vektoren für holzbewohnende Nematoden als Beitrag zu einer Risikoanalyse für Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner & Buhrer, 1934), Nickle, 1970 (Investigations on the dispersal on the sawyer beetles (Monochamus spp.) in Germany and on their relevance as vectors for woodliving nematodes. A contribution to a risk analysis for Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner & Buhrer, 1934), Nickle, 1970)" supervised by Prof. Dr. Michael Müller (TUD, Chair of Forest Protection) and Dr. Helen Braasch (formerly at the Institute for National and International Plant Health, Julius Kuehn Institute - Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants) in German | |
1997-2002 | Study of Forest Sciences, TU Dresden |
Research interests
- Forest genetics, forest tree improvement and breeding
- Physiology and genomics of trees’ water relations
- Adaptation of trees’ xylem architecture to climate change
- Inter- and intra-annual variability of wood anatomy and foliage
- Forest crops for future bio-economy, short rotation forestry
- Major focus on the model organism Populus
- Forest genetics and tree breeding in the Russian Federation and Central Asia
- Introduced vs. indigenous woody species in urban green
Competences and methods
- Phenotyping in forest trees
- Wood anatomy (cross-sections, mosaic fluorescence microscopy)
- Wood characteristics (utilization; e.g. fiber traits, hydraulic xylem architecture, heating value, ash content, specific gravity)
- Dendro-Isotopes (δ13C, δ18O) – partner: GFZ Potsdam (Section Climate Dynamics and Landscape Evolution)
- Dendrometers
- Field and greenhouse test with Populus spp., Salix spp., Pinus spp.
- Field sampling of germplasm
- DNA-marker technologies / fingerprinting (SSR, AFLP, SNP)
- QTL mapping
- Applied bio-statistics for research on the topics mentioned above
Teaching (current single or dual lectures contributing to BSc or MSc lecture series)
- (BSc course, German) Fundamentals of forest genetics
- (BSc course, German) Hands-on training in forest botany (basic microscopy, cytology, water relations)
- (BSc course, German, and MSc course, English) Fundamentals in scientific text edition
- (MSc course, English) Native vs. introduced species, invasiveness of species
Topics for degree theses
Topics for degree theses are provided in the field of plantation forestry (especially poplar and willow research) with a focus on wood anatomy (microscopy), water relations and the characterization of cultivars or tree collectives. For investigations of heating value and other utilization characteristics or for DNA based genetic approaches, topics can be compiled as well.
Please, do not hesitate to contact me for retrieving current open topics, embedded in ongoing research projects.
Selected Publications
MEYER, M.; GEBAUER, K.; JANSSEN, A.; KRABEL, D. (2018): The importance of fuel characterstics of poplars and aspen (Populus spp.) from German short rotation plantations and Russian forests. Thünen Report 62, 61-66.
MEYER, M.; KRABEL, D.; KNIESEL, B.; HELLE, G. (2018): Inter-annual variation of tree-ring width, δ13C and δ18O in juvenile trees of five plantation poplar cultivars (Populus spp.). Dendrochronologia, 2018 – Elsevier;
MEYER, M.; ZACHARIAS, M.; MORGENSTERN, K.; KRABEL, D.; LIESEBACH, H. (2018): Variable genotypes at the cpDNA marker locus trnDT in spontaneous rejuvenation of the species complex around the European black poplar (Populus nigra L.) and its relatives collected in Germany. Landbauforsch Appl Agric Forestry Res. 2018 online first 17.12.18, 1-10, DOI:10.3220/LBF1544605045000
MEYER M (2016) Invasive species, indigenous vs. alien dendroflora. In: ROLOFF A (ed) Urban Tree Management: For the Sustainable Development of Green Cities. Wiley-Blackwell, New York, pp 185-195
MEYER M, SOLGER A, PANITZ L, JANßEN A, KRABEL D (2015) Auswirkungen der Züchtung auf einen optimierten nachwachsenden Rohstoff Holz – Beispiel Pappelzüchtung. In: LIESEBACH M (ed) FastWOOD II: Züchtung schnellwachsender Baumarten für die Produktion nachwachsender Rohstoffe im Kurzumtrieb – Erkenntnisse aus 6 Jahren FastWOOD Thünen Report 26. Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, pp 111-122
MEYER M (2015) Bedeutung und Optimierung der Wasserdefizit-Toleranz von Pappeln (Populus spp.) in Kurzumtriebsplantagen - Важность и повышение устойчивости к водному дефициту в быстрорастущих плантациях тополей (Populus spp.). Vortrag und Abstract. Deutsch-Russische Forstwissenschaftliche Konferenz des BMEL und der Russischen Föderalen Agentur für Forstwirtschaft (Федеральное агентство лесного хозяйства (Рослесхоз)). Universität der Republik Mari-El, Йошкар-Ола / Yoshkar-Ola, Russische Föderation
KRABEL D, MEYER M, SOLGER A, MÜLLER R, CARVALHO P, FOULKES J (2015) Early root and aboveground biomass development of hybrid poplars (Populus spp.) under drought conditions. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 45:1289-1298
KRABEL D, SOLGER A, MEYER M (2015) Einfluss des Steckholzes auf die frühe Sprossentwicklung von Pappeln / Influence of the constitution of hardwood cuttings on early shoot development of poplar plants. Forstarchiv 86:159-165
MEYER M, SOLGER A, KRABEL D (2013) Xylem cell length under drought and its value for predicting radial growth of SRF poplar cultivars (Populus spp.). Trees 27(5):1353-1363
MEYER M, SOLGER A, KRABEL D (2012) Holzanatomie, Physiologie und Verwendbarkeits-eigenschaften - „Moderne“ Züchtungsziele für den Agrarholzmarkt? In: BORSCHEL M, FEY-WAGNER C, JANSSEN A (eds) Züchtung und Ertragsleistung schnellwachsender Baumarten im Kurzumtrieb Erkenntnisse aus drei Jahren FastWOOD, ProLoc und Weidenzüchtung Beiträge aus der NW-FVA. Universitätsverlag Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany, pp 195-218
MEYER M (2010) Trockenheitsreaktionen und holzanatomische Eigenschaften der Zitter-Pappel (Populus tremula L.) - Physiologie und QTL-Mapping / Water Deficit Reaction and Wood Anatomical Characteristics of European Aspen (Populus tremula L.) - Physiology and QTL-Mapping. [doctoral dissertation in German with English abstract and captions] Eugen Ulmer GmbH & Co., Stuttgart, 174 p