Jens-Ulrich Polster

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
NameDipl.-Forstw. Jens-Ulrich Polster
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since 2017 |
Member of academic staff at the team „Molecular Physiology of Woody Plants“, Institute of Forest Botany and Forest Zoology, Project „TreeLAMP |
since 2013 |
Research associate at the working Group "Molecular Physiology of Woody Plants", Lectureship for Wildlife Ecology and Management, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany |
2002 | Masters degree (Diplom) in forest sciences |
1996-2002 |
Study of forestry sciences at Technische Universität Dresden |
Research interests
database applications, bioinformatics and statistical data analytics, geographic information systems, qPCR, LAMP, nanopore sequencing, phytopathogenic microorganisms, microbiome studies
Research Projects
„SeedProtect“ Phytopathogenic fungi in forest plant breeding - development of rapid tests for quality assurance in forest plant production to provide high performance seeds and seedlings; funded by the BMEL – program „Forest Climate Fund“
„TreeLAMP“ Development of methods for the quality assurance of forest reproductive material on the example of Douglas fir; funded by the BMEL – program „Renewable resources“
POLSTER, J.-U.; MORGENSTERN, K.; REICHE, B.; SCHÜTZEL, P.; HUTTER, I.; KABEL, D. (2020): Comparative analysis of microbial communities in adult trees and seedlings of Douglas fir, in: Forests for a Better Future: Sustainability, Innovation, Interdisciplinarity. Presented at the The 1st International Electronic Conference on Forests, Online.
Morgenstern, K., Polster, J.-U., & Krabel, D. (2016). Genetic variation between and within two populations of Rhabdocline pseudotsugae Sydow in Germany. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 46: 716–724, doi: 10.1139/cjfr-2015-0430.
Oral presentations
Morgenstern K., Döring M., Polster J.-U. Krabel D. (2015). Rhabdocline needle cast – most recent investigations on fungal distribution and genetic variation of Rhabdocline pseudotsugae (Sydow). Abstract in: XVIII. International Plant Protection Congress, Mission possible: food for all through appropriate plant protection, Berlin, Germany 24.-27.08.2015.
Morgenstern K., Polster J.-U., Krabel D. (2016). Untersuchungen zur genetischen Variation von Rhabdocline pseudotsugae (Sydow) Abstract in: M. Kohlert, G. Csapek & J. Bauhus (Hrsg.) FowiTa-Forstwissenschaftliche Tagung 2016, Tagungsband zur Forstwissenschaftlichen Tagung an der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg 26.-29.09.2016, Universitätsdruckerei Freiburg, p 221.