Project "CSS Telehealth"
Time period and partners
- Time period from 06/2013 - 06/2015
- Partners: German Telecom, the Carus Consilium Sachsen and the University hospital of Carl Gustav Carus
A continuous provision of information is considered a basic requirement of an integrated care structure. Therefore, the project CCS Telehealth East Saxony platform is to be developed which ensures better accessibility to medical services, esp. in structurally weak rural areas. The HeLiCT team at the Chair for Business Informatics, esp. System development has a developing partnership with the German Telecom, the Carus Consilium Saxony GmbH and the University hospital of Carl Gustav Carus.
Our input (methods and solutions)
The TU Dresden advises and evaluates a platform to reach their openness and expandability, also towards third parties. Secondly, we are significantly involved in the design of the IT-based path design and make the prototypes and path templates available.
Contact person
Dr. Hannes Schlieter
Dipl.-Wirt.-Inf. Martin Burwitz