Electron Microscopy Facility
The Electron Microscopy Facility provides expertise and technology to study the ultrastructure of cell and tissue samples. It offers access to modern sample preparation technology as well as to transmission and scanning electron microscopes (TEM and SEM), it provides EM services, and more demanding projects can be performed in collaboration with the facility. The facility constantly improves sample preparation methods and adapts them to new sample types. It also develops new sample preparation techniques especially for correlative and multimodal microscopy approaches (e.g. CLEM).

The labs of the Electron Microscopy Facility are located in the CRTD and offer a broad spectrum of sample preparation techniques for biological specimens. This includes routine preparations of chemically fixed cells and tissues but also special services like high pressure freezing, freeze substitution, negative staining of particles, critical point drying and sputter coating of SEM samples, and immunolabeling procedures for correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM). We also offer access to sample preparation technology and transmission and scanning electron microscopes. More demanding projects that include sample preparation, image acquisition, and data analysis are performed as scientific collaborations. The facility constantly works on improvements of sample preparation protocols and on the development of new techniques, especially in the areas of CLEM, immunolabeling and cryopreparation for EM. The Facility is part of the BioDIP network.