Flow Cytometry Core Facility
The CMCB Flow Cytometry Core Facility provides access to state-of-the-art flow cytometers as well as services such as multi-color analysis, cell sorting, flow cytometry training and support in design and analysis of experiments to researchers regardless of their affiliation or location.

Welcome to the Flow Cytometry Core Facility
What is flow cytometry good for?
- millions of cells can be analyzed within a short period of time
- various properties of these cells can be analyzed simultaneously (multiparametric analysis)
- it provides statistical information very quickly
- Fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS, preparative flow cytometry) can be used to isolate highly pure subpopulations from a heterogeneous cell suspension
Flow cytometry allows the simultaneous measurement of:
- relative cell/particle size
- cellular complexity (e.g. intracellular granules/granularity or multi-nucleated cells)
- relative fluorescence intensity (e.g. of endogenously expressed fluorescence reporters or fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies)
How to use the CMCB Flow Cytometry Core Facility?
A brief formal orientation and instrument-specific trainings are mandatory for all users before they can begin using the Flow Cytometry Core Facility. You will be granted access to the online booking system once you submit certain registration forms, which are available from the facility staff.
Service appointments for cell sorting can be requested through the CMCB FCCF E-Mail.
If flow cytometric analysis and sorting are new to you or you are planning a new experiment, we will be happy to advise and assist you.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon!