Contribution Submission
All information for the submission of the full paper after acceptance of the abstract is listed below.
Deadline: 01.07.2024
The accepted abstracts should be developed into a conference contribution according to the submission format (research contribution, project contribution, practical applications). In the notification email about the acceptance of the abstract, comments from the reviewers were sent. Please take these into account when preparing your contribution. After the papers have been reviewed in the double-blind review process, all comments and remarks will again be sent by e-mail to all authors registered in the system via the conference management system confTool. The paper is then finalized for publication in the conference proceedings.
Please use the Word template to submit your conference contribution. All necessary formatting is preset and described in the template. Please note the permitted number of characters for the corresponding contribution format.
Submission with confTool
To submit your contribution, log in to the conference management system confTool with your access data and open the "Your submissions" section. The corresponding paper will appear there in addition to your accepted abstract. Upload your document there using the "Upload file(s)" function. You can also make adjustments (title, authors, etc.) in this section. Please submit your document in PDF format and make sure to remove the author information in the document and in the file name. You have the opportunity to adapt your contribution until the deadline.
Notes on content
The following criteria must be observed for each format to be submitted:
Research paper: 18,000 characters (incl. spaces) excl. literature
- IMRAD structure
- Review process based on degree of innovation, methodology and potential for scientific debate
- Implementation as a keynote speech at the conference
Project contribution work in progress: 9,000 characters (incl. spaces) excl. literature
- Demonstration of product developments and implementation strategies of "products" based on scientific findings that have already been (piloted) in practice
- Intermediate results, artifacts and project-specific initial reflections on the evaluation are expected
- Assessment according to practical relevance and degree of innovation, proof of concept, methodically guided reflection (best practices)
- Implementation in a laboratory setting with the opportunity to test, pilot and evaluate or with short presentations (reports on initial application experiences) followed by a discussion on implementation and realization
Practical applications: 4,500 characters (incl. spaces) excl. literature
- Description of products, concepts, etc. that are established or being tested in practice.
- No or little scientific background required
- Assessment according to practical relevance and degree of innovation, proof of concept, reflection in terms of practicability
- Implementation in the form of show-and-tell
All accepted contributions and formats will be published as a publication at TUDPress (with ISBN) and as an open access publication at QUCOSA. Indexing takes place via SCOPUS and QUCOSA.
If you have any questions or problems regarding paper preparation or submission, please contact the organizing committee.

GeNeMe - Communities in New Media
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Bürogebäude Strehlener Strasse, 417 Strehlener Strasse 22/24
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology Center for Open Digital Innovation and Participation
01062 Dresden