Communities in New Media [GeNeMe]
For over 25 years, the GeNeMe conference series "Communities in New Media" has focused on online communities from the perspective of several disciplines such as computer and data science, media technology, education and business administration and economics, information and administrative science and social and communication science, as well as at their interfaces.
KI & HUMANITY: Technology with social responsibility
In the year 2025, GeNeMe is dedicated to the advancing digitalization
and the associated social responsibility. Artificial intelligence
intelligence (AI) is increasingly changing the way in which people interact
interact, work and organize themselves. These developments raise
fundamental questions: What ethical and social challenges
challenges arise from AI-supported technologies? How can
can digital communities be designed responsibly
to ensure humanity and participation? What political and
regulatory measures are required to make digital spaces safe
and inclusive?
The following aspects in particular will be considered:
- AI and social responsibility: ethical challenges and possible solutions
for the responsible use of AI in digital communities.
- Digital identity and participation: Effects of digitalization on
social roles, identity formation and equal opportunities.
- Technology-enabled governance: AI and algorithms in the moderation
and governance of digital communities.
- Empathy and humanity in digital spaces: Designing human-centered digital interactions .
digital interactions.
- Regulation and policy making: framework conditions and legal aspects of
aspects of AI-supported decision-making processes.
- Best practices and case studies: Successful approaches for the responsible use of digital technologies in communities.
responsible use of digital technologies in communities.
- 14.04.2025 Submission of abstracts
- 30.04.2025 Notification of acceptance / rejection of abstracts
- 23.06.2025 Submission of the complete contributions
- 01.08.2025 Notification of final acceptance / rejection
- 20.08.2025 Submission of finally accepted papers
- 25.08.2025 Deadline for early bird discount
- 17.09.2025 Pre-conference
- 18-19.09.2025 Main conference GeNeMe
The conference is organized by scientists from the Faculties of Education and Business and Economics, the Center for Open Digital Innovation and Participation (CODIP) of TU Dresden and the Stralsund University of Applied Sciences (HOST), with the kind support of the Evangelische Hochschule Dresden (ehs) and Silicon Saxony e.V.
The 28th GeNeMe will primarily take place in person with optional online participation. As usual, the conference team is experimenting with innovative formats with the aim of making participation methodically beneficial. The program page lists all information on the rooms, conference formats and procedures in advance.
Registration is required for participation in the conference and the opening event. All information and price models will soon be listed on the registration page.
Abstracts and papers
The submission of papers for this year's GeNeMe is a 2-step process. The information on the track topics and submission formats are summarized on the call page. All information on the individual submission stages is listed on the respective pages for abstract submission, paper submission and paper finalization.
Partner of the GeNeMe 2025
We invite you to become a partner of GeNeMe. There are many opportunities for direct and indirect support available to you. Contact us with interesting contributions for the conference or for the accompanying conference proceedings - we offer you the cooperation and presentation platform for your ideas.
GeNeMe conference proceedings
All accepted contributions will be published at TUDPress (with ISBN), as an open access publication at QUCOSA and in the GI Digital Library. Indexing is done via SCOPUS and pedocs.
Overview of conference proceedings

GeNeMe - Communities in New Media
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Bürogebäude Strehlener Strasse, 417 Strehlener Strasse 22/24
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology Center for Open Digital Innovation and Participation
01062 Dresden