Jun 29, 2022
ESF Plus Directive “The Future of Professional Training” takes effect
As part of the European Social Fund Plus (ESF Plus) 2021–2027, the Saxon State Ministry of Economics, Labor and Transport (SMWA) published the Directive on the Promotion of Professional Training (Richtlinie zur Förderung der Beruflichen Bildung), also known as “The Future of Professional Training,” in the Official Gazette on June 16th, 2022.
The SMWA has earmarked 63 million Euros (ESF and budget funds) to implement the directive. The goal is to promote individual potential and create opportune conditions for professional education and training, with a particular focus on making professional training both flexible and tailored to the individual. Furthermore, the directive aims to improve the quality and appeal of professional education and training. It also seeks to entice companies in Saxony to make use of these opportunities.
The subsidy amounts to up to 80 % of the eligible expenses. The scientific oversight of the support initiatives will be funded by a maximum of 95 % of the eligible expenses.
How to apply
Proposals can be sent to Sächsische Aufbaubank (SAB) for approval. The approval process involves multiple steps.
1. Formal review of project outline
Once the project outline is submitted (electronically), the SAB will begin its formal review.
2. Evaluation of the project outline’s technical content
Certain criteria are defined for the evaluation of the technical content (SAB form VD 60716). In addition to the SAB, regional specialists’ alliances are involved as jury members in the selection process according to location.
The technical evaluation takes about six weeks.
3. Invitation to submit a proposal or denial of funding priority
The time required to process the proposal takes about six weeks. An accelerated start of the measure at the applicant’s own risk is approved by the SAB in writing upon submission of the proposal. If the jury does not issue a positive selection decision, the project outline will be rejected.
General information:
Proposals must be submitted via the EPC. Since the directive is new, a joint consultation with the EPC and the SAB in advance is strongly recommended.
Project outlines may be submitted to the SAB on a continual basis for the project areas “Individual projects for professional training” (“Einzelprojekte Berufliche Bildung”) and “Additional qualification” (“Zusatzqualifikation). Separate funding announcements will be issued by the SMWA for proposals in the project areas “Calls for projects for professional training” (“Projektaufrufe Berufliche Bildung”) and “Scientific oversight” (“Wissenschaftliche Begleitung”).
Additional information will soon be available (in German) on the EPC program website and the SAB’s official website.
Contact at EPC:
Project Manager
NameMs Sophia Donath
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
FAL Falkenbrunnen BT-A Würzburger Straße 35
01187 Dresden