Receiving Office
The following applications can be submitted to the Patent Information Center (PIZ) in Dresden in person during its business hours, by mail, or deposited after hours in the special mailbox (night mailbox) directly to the left of the main entrance of the Andreas-Schubert-Bau building.
German, European and international patent applications
(Section 34 Para. 2PatG / Art. II Section 4 Para. 1, Art. III Section 1 Para 2 IntPatÜG (in German))
German utility model applications including split cases
(Section 4 Para. 2 and Section 4a Para. 2 GebrMG (in German))
German trademark and design applications
(Section 32 Para. 1 MarkenG, Section 11 Para 1 DesignG)
Other documentation cannot be accepted, in particular none with legal effect.
Notice No. 04/06 of the President of the German Patent and Trade Mark Office (DPMA) from February 24, 2006 (available in German), provides a comprehensive explanation.
The mailbox for submitting industrial property rights applications is located directly to the left of the main entrance of the Andreas-Schubert-Bau building.
Since the legal amendment published in the Federal Law Gazette Bundesgesetzblatt No. 45 Part I dated July 22, 1998, p. 1827 (see page 1832, Article 3, 2. b) – available in German), patent and utility model applications can be filed with a patent information center specified in the Federal Law Gazette with a legally valid date of submission.
In addition to patents and utility models, it has also been permissible since October 2004 to submit trademarks and designs to a patent information center for this purpose. The legal amendments are published in the Federal Law Gazette Bundesgesetzblatt No. 54 Part I dated October 15, 2004, p. 2599 (in German).
The authorized patent information centers in Germany are listed in the Notice of the President No. 38/04 (BIPMZ 2004, 478) and the Notice of the President No. 3/09 (both in German).