Services for Researchers
At TU Dresden, an efficient research and transfer service is at the scientists’ disposal. These include the Directorate 5 - Research, the transfer unit TUD|excite, the unit Administration of External Funding, the founders' initiative dresden|exists and the Service Center for Research Data.
Directorate 5 - Research supports you in all stages of your third-party funded projects, from initiation to utilisation. To help you find the right service and the right contact person at every stage, we have created a guide that gives you an overview of our services. You will find the link at the bottom of this page.

Services for Researchers
TU Dresden offers its scientists and researchers a comprehensive research support structure.
The central contact point is the Directorate 5 - Research with the following units:
The team of the research support office (Unit 5.1) provides support for fundamental and/or applied research at national third-party funding institutions, such as the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) or the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF. Our team offers assistance during the complete life cycle of a funding application – from project scouting to the actual submission of a project and supports scientists in enlarging their network of cooperation partners from science, industry and culture, e.g. in the framework of the STUDIO formats. Furthermore, our TUD research pool provides researchers with the possibility for short-term financial support while preparing a research proposal for publicly funded joint projects.
The European Project Center (Unit 5.2) is specialised in providing comprehensive support to scientists concerning the application for and management of EU-funded projects. TU Dresden's incetive system promotes the initiation of joint projects as well as the targeted lobbying in science policy associations at European level.
The team of the Unit 5.3 Research Information is responsible for running the Current Research Information System (FIS). With the FIS, TUD offers researchers at all levels of their careers an easy way to collect, manage and edit their research activities within their own research profile. The aim is to foster relief and simplification of research reporting for researchers in particular by valid and centrally available key indicators. By presenting selected content from the FIS on the public TUD research portal, information on visible results of research activities is made available to the general public. In synergy with TUD webpages, the TUD Research Portal is intended to noticeably increase the outreach and visibility of the TU Dresden's diverse research activities.
The Graduate Academy (Unit 5.4) supports doctoral candidates and postdocs at all stages of their academic career. It offers a qualification program for young researchers, short-term financial support as well as a counselling and advisory service.
Furthermore you will find advice and support by the following units:
Within the framework of the Excellence Strategy, the transfer unit TUD|excite was established as a central contact point for all questions related to technology transfer. TUD|excite supports TU Dresden’s scientists in the patenting and licensing of research results, industry co-operations and the creation of spin-offs. Important partners are TU Dresden’s Patent Information Centre and the start-up initiative dresden | exists.
The Team of Administration of External Funding (Unit 1.3) in Directorate 1 supports in cases of economic relevant cooperations with industry partners or public institutions (Contract Research). In addition, you receive a competent service in the execution of your projects, no matter which financier.
The Service Center Research Data advises on all aspects of research data and their management, such as suitable data and metadata formats, repositories, publication of research data, and support for the creation of data management plans for project proposals.
The DRESDEN-concept Welcome Center staff will be glad to assist all international visiting researchers and PhD students staying for more than three months before and after your arrival to Dresden to facilitate your acclimatisation.