The Faculty of Education
... is the academic home of teaching, research and of studies for the entire spectrum of educational sciences. In terms of both enrolled and new students, the Faculty of Education is one of the largest Faculties of TU Dresden.
The Faculty of Education
is the home of three institutes:
Institute of Education
Institute of Vocational Education and Vocational Training
Institute of Social Pedagogy, Social Work and Welfare Studies
»It is about the children!«
In his anti-war novel ‘The animals‘ conference‘, Erich Kästner is having the protagonists write this slogan on their banners, making it quite clear that the future belongs to the children. It is the outline of a vital and essential social responsibility. But education – as well as educational sciences – is not merely limited to school buildings or children. The diversity of our three Institutes with their two dozen chairs is proof that the scope of this subject goes far beyond school in its narrower sense: It encompasses the complete lifespan and many different spheres of life: school and leisure, early childhood education, continuing and vocational education, knowledge management, care, media research, intercultural aspects and health promotion.
Educational science as modern social science
is describing the theory and practice of learning processes in an analysing, systematic and evidenced-based way. In addition to this reflective role, educational science is geared towards practical action, transferring pedagogical issues of a changing society into ready-to-use recommendations for professional use.
The Faculty of Education, therefore, is academically anchored at TU Dresden’s School of Humanities and Social Sciences alongside other disciplines. It has very close relations to the technical disciplines and the natural sciences at the University, not least because students of the different teachers training programmes are also participating in specialist courses at other faculties.
Organisation and structure
The chairs and the academic staff are supported by the Dean’s Office that takes care of administrative issues, e.g. human resources, distribution of funds, room allocation, study organisation and IT equipment. The Dean’s Office is the hub of the Faculty’s management, it is the interface to the University administration and to the interested public. Moreover, the Dean’s Office is addressing strategic issues of development and professionalisation, conceiving drafts for the committees of the Faculty.
Students will find advice
at the Students’ Councils, at the School’s Academic Examination Office, at the Academic Affairs Office for Teachers Training at the Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (ZLSB) as well as at the Internship Office.