15.08.-19.08.2023 | Disruptive Imaginations Conference
Joint annual conference at the TU Dresden organised and hosted by the Science Fiction Research Association (SFRA) and the German Association for Research in the Fantastic (GfF).
We would like to bring to your attention that the Science Fiction Research Association and Society for Fantastic Research will be holding a joint conference on the theme of Disruptive Imaginations between August 15th and August 19th 2023 at the TU Dresden (co-organised by TUDiSC Member Moritz Ingwersen). The collaboration of the two organisations will encourage greater potential for dynamic exchange and stimulating discussions.
Science fiction and the fantastic (SFF) have the power to disrupt entrenched narratives and worldmaking practices. Whether in the form of hard science fiction, utopian speculation, high fantasy or supernatural horror, SFF is fundamentally anchored in imaginations of disruption—a tear in the fabric of reality, an estrangement of the senses, a break with the known world, or a transgression of boundaries.
The conference is interdisciplinary by its very nature. The organisers therefore invite papers on all forms and genres of science fiction and the fantastic with a focus on the paradigm of disruption. Presentations will be held either in English or German.
For more information on the concept of the joint conference, see the Event website