Dr. Steven Schäller
Academic staff MIDEM
NameDr. Steven Schäller
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Chair of Political Theory and History of Political Thought
Chair of Political Theory and History of Political Thought
Visiting address:
von-Gerber-Bau, Room 234 Bergstraße 53
01069 Dresden
Short biography
since 01/2021 | Research Associate at the Mercator Forum Migration and Democracy (MIDEM) |
since 09/2016 | Research Associate at the Chair of Political Theory and History of Ideas |
08/2016 |
Freelancer for the Saxon State Center for Political Education and freelance author for the daily press |
10/2014 - 07-2016 | Research Associate in the research project "The Good Citizen: Horizons of Expectation and Attribution Practices" (funded by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation) |
06/2013 | Doctorate (Dr. phil.) at the TUD Dresden University of Technology |
04/2012 - 08/2012 |
Parental leave |
04/2010 - 09/2014 |
Research Associate on Project H "Democratic Order between Transcendence and Common Sense" at the Collaborative Research Center 804 "Transcendence and Common Sense" |
04/2009 - 03/2010 |
Research Associate at the Chair of Political Theory and History of Ideas at TU Dresden |
03/2005 - 02/2008 |
Doctoral scholarship holder of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation |
01/2004 - 12/2008 |
Research Assistant in Project I "Constitution as Institutional Order of the Political" at the Collaborative Research Center 537 "Institutionality and Historicity" in Dresden and at the Chair of Political Theory and History of Ideas of Prof. Dr. Hans Vorländer |
12/2003 - 02/2004 |
Freelancer at the Federal Agency for Civic Education on the topic of "Europe" |
2003 | Master's thesis with Prof. Dr. Hans Vorländer at the Chair of Political Theory and History of Ideas on the topic "Der Verweis als Argument. Precedents in the case law of the Federal Constitutional Court" |
Studied political science, communication science and history at the TU Dresden |
Manuscripts, full texts and further information on research projects can be viewed on ResearchGate.
- PEGIDA and New Right-Wing Populism in Germany. Cham: 2018 (together with Hans Vorländer and Maik Herold).
- Federalism and Sovereignty in the Federal State. Foundations in the History of Ideas and the Jurisprudence of the Federal Constitutional Court. Wiesbaden 2016.
- PEGIDA. Development, composition and interpretation of an outrage movement. Wiesbaden 2015 (together with Hans Vorländer and Maik Herold).
- Reviews by Matthias Quent (Soziologische Revue 40, 4/2017), Eckhard Jesse (ZfP 64, 1/2017), Dirk Jörke (npl 61, 1/2017), Moritz Sommer (German Politics 4/2016), Isabel Fannrich-Lautenschläger (DLF, 18.02.2016), Armin Pfahl-Traughber (bnr.de, 18.02.2016), Stefan Locke (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 25.01.2016), Oliver Reinhard (Sächsische Zeitung, 21.01.2016) and Bernhard Honnigfort (Frankfurter Rundschau, 20.01.2016).
- Who goes to PEGIDA and why? An empirical study of PEGIDA demonstrators in Dresden. Dresden 2015 (together with Hans Vorländer and Maik Herold).
- The new center? Ideology and practice of the populist and extreme right. Vienna/Cologne 2021 (together with Johannes Schütz and Raj Kollmorgen).
- Also available as a licensed edition from the Federal Agency for Civic Education.
Articles and book contributions
- Introduction. Complex challenges and challenging observations. In: Johannes Schütz/Raj Kollmorgen/Steven Schäller The new center? Ideology and practice of the populist and extreme right. Vienna/Cologne 2021, pp. 11-23 (together with Johannes Schütz and Raj Kollmorgen).
- Right-wing and conservative are not the same thing. A conversation about Christians in politics. In: Johannes Schütz/Raj Kollmorgen/Steven Schäller The new center? Ideology and practice of the populist and extreme right. Vienna/Cologne 2021, pp. 93-108 (together with Liane Bednarz).
- Contested Center in the Crises of the Present. From the Nouvelle Droite to the coronavirus protest. In: Johannes Schütz/Raj Kollmorgen/Steven Schäller The new center? Ideology and practice of the populist and extreme right. Vienna/Cologne 2021, pp. 405-437 (together with Johannes Schütz and Raj Kollmorgen).
- Biographical portrait: Martin Sellner. In: Uwe Backes/Alexander Gallus/Eckhard Jesse/Tom Thieme (eds.): Yearbook Extremism and Democracy, 31st year. Baden-Baden 2019, pp. 193-209.
- PEGIDA and the "religious lack of musicality". In: Oliver Hidalgo/Gert Pickel (eds.): Flight and migration in Europe. New challenges for political parties, churches and religious communities. Wiesbaden 2019, pp. 325-344 (together with Stefanie Hammer).
- Alienation, outrage, ethnocentrism. What PEGIDA reveals about the emerging right-wing populism. In: Dirk Jörke/Oliver Nachtwey (eds.): The people against (liberal) democracy. Leviathan Sonderband 32, 2017, pp. 138-159 (together with Hans Vorländer and Maik Herold).
- Concepts and findings: Populism in political science research. Commentary on Jan-Werner Müller's essay "What is populism?". In: Journal of Political Theory 7 (2), 2016, pp. 221-231.
- "Right-wing populism" as a challenge to liberal democracy. In: Euangel 3/2016.
- The new right-wing populism on the streets: What motivates the angry citizens in Dresden? In: Karl-Rudolf Korte (ed.): Politics in uncertain times. Wars, crises and new antagonisms. Baden-Baden 2016, pp. 261-276 (together with Maik Herold).
- PEGIDA - an extremist right-wing movement? In: Gert Pickel/Oliver Decker (eds.): Extremism in Saxony. A critical stocktaking. Leipzig 2016, pp. 108-118 (together with Hans Vorländer and Maik Herold).
- PEGIDA and the foreign West. In: Sächsische Zeitung from 08.08.2016, p. 20.
- What is Pegida and why? In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 19.10.2015, p. 6 (together with Hans Vorländer and Maik Herold).
- Populism, resentment, indignation. A new style of protest movement. In: Sächsische Zeitung from 16.10.2015, p. 5 (together with Hans Vorländer and Maik Herold).
- The PEGIDA demonstrators. A scientific approach. In: dis.kurs 1/2015, pp. 25-27 (together with Hans Vorländer and Maik Herold).
- Television, democracy and constitutional jurisdiction. In: Martin Moellers/Robert Chr. van Ooyen (eds.): Das Bundesverfassungsgericht im politischen System. Updated, revised and expanded 2nd edition. Wiesbaden 2015, pp. 389-402 (together with André Brodocz).
- The concept of sovereignty as an obstacle to innovation. Constitutional thinking in the traditions of republican and monarchical federal statehood. In: Marcus Llanque/ Daniel Schulz (eds.): Verfassungsidee und Verfassungspolitik. Berlin 2015, pp. 333-348.
- Interpretative power as a barrier to power. Control of powers between the Federal Constitutional Court and the European Court of Justice. In: André Brodocz et al. (eds.): Die Verfassung des Politischen. Festschrift for Hans Vorländer. Wiesbaden 2014, pp. 235-247.
- Ironic constitutional jurisprudence. In: Bärbel Frischmann (ed.): Irony in Philosophy, Literature and Law. Würzburg 2014, pp. 135-154 (together with André Brodocz).
- Rechtsgeltung. Deconstruction and Construction in the Upheavals of 1933 and 1945. In: Hans Vorländer (ed.): Demokratie und Transzendenz. The foundation of political orders. Bielefeld 2013, pp. 415-447.
- The Federal Constitutional Court and the European Federal State. The Lisbon judgment in the light of a constitutional theory of federalism. In: Journal of Political Theory 2(1)/2011, pp. 41-62( review/reply).
- Thomas Jefferson. In: Rüdiger Voigt/Ulrich Weiß (eds.): Handbuch Staatsdenker. Baden-Baden 2010, pp. 193-194.
- Good experiences - bad experiences. Presumptive precedent binding in the constitutional state. In: André Brodocz (ed.): Experience as Argument. Baden-Baden 2007, pp. 267-282.
- Television, democracy and constitutional jurisdiction. In: Martin Moellers/Robert Chr. van Ooyen (eds.): Das Bundesverfassungsgericht im politischen System. Wiesbaden 2006, pp. 243-252.
- Behind the blind of the bench. On the Open Day at the Federal Constitutional Court. In: Hans Vorländer (ed.): Die Deutungsmacht der Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit. Wiesbaden 2006, pp. 235-258 (together with André Brodocz).
- Precedents as a self-referential resource for the validity of the Federal Constitutional Court. In: Hans Vorländer (ed.): Die Deutungsmacht der Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit. Wiesbaden 2006, pp. 205-234.
- Self-referential decision-making and institutional history. A quantitative analysis of case law at the Federal Constitutional Court. Dresdner Beiträge zur Politischen Theorie und Ideengeschichte 3/2005 (together with André Brodocz).
- Art. "Herfried Münkler" In: Gisela Riescher (ed.): Politische Theorie der Gegenwart in Einzeldarstellungen. Stuttgart 2004, pp. 333-337.
Reviews and conference reports
- Collective review "Benedikt Ugarte Chacón: Parlamentarischer Populismus. Die Arbeit der AfD-Fraktion im Abgeordnetenhaus von Berlin" and "Katja Bauer/Maria Fiedler: Die Methode AfD". In: Uwe Backes/Alexander Gallus/Eckhard Jesse/Tom Thieme (eds.): Yearbook Extremism and Democracy, 34th volume. Baden-Baden 2019, pp. 443-444.
- "Hein, Michael/Felix Petersen/Silvia von Steinsdorff (eds.): Die Grenzen der Verfassung. Special volume 9 of the Zeitschrift für Politik." In: Politische Vierteljahresschrift 60/2019 (2), pp. 409-411.
- The hinge function of right-wing populism: "Andreas Zick, Beate Küpper and Daniela Krause: Gespaltene Mitte - feindselige Zustände. Right-wing extremist attitudes in Germany in 2016". In: Backes, Uwe, Alexander Gallus and Eckhard Jesse (eds.). Yearbook Extremism & Democracy (E & D), Volume 29. Baden-Baden 2017, pp. 355-357.
- Between party research and totalitarianism theory: "Kunze, Michael: Sigmund Neumann. Teacher of democracy in the age of international civil war". In: npl 3/2016, pp. 347-348.
- "Sonja Yeh: Anything goes? Postmodern media theories in comparison: The grand (media) narratives of McLuhan, Baudrillard, Virilio, Kittler and Flusser." In: Medienwissenschaft 1/2015, pp. 35-37. PDF
- "Jörg Becker: The Digitization of Media and Culture. With a foreword by Lothar Bisky." In: Media Studies 1/2014, pp. 95-97. PDF
- Conference report: "Die Macht der Verfassungsgerichte als Problem der Gewaltenteilung" May 3 and 4, 2013, Greifswald. In: Zeitschrift für Politische Theorie 4(2)/2013, pp. 291-296 (expanded and revised version of Verfassungsgerichte und ihre Macht).
- "Kristin Bulkow/Christer Petersen (eds.): Scandals. Structures and strategies of public attention generation." In: Media Studies 2/2013, pp. 157-159. PDF
- Conference report: "Verfassungsgerichte und ihre Macht" May 3 and 4, 2013, Greifswald. In: Theorieblog.de. A Forum for Political Theory and Philosophy, June 4, 2013.
- "Schneider, Hans-Peter, Jutta Kramer and Beniamino Caravita di Toritto (eds.): Judge made Federalism? The Role of Courts in Federal Systems." In: PVS 2/2010, pp. 384-386.
- "David Golumbia: The Cultural Logic of Computation." In: npl 3/2009, pp. 538-540.
- Dual Broadcasting Systems in the Mirror of Politics and Law. Section review of Volker Lilienthal (ed.): "Professionalisierung der Medienaufsicht. Neue Aufgaben für Rundfunkräte - Die Gremiendebatte in epd medien", Jörg Michael Voß: "Pluraler Rundfunk in Europa - ein duales System für Europa? Framework conditions for public service broadcasting in a European dual broadcasting system.", Matthias Künzler: "The liberalization of radio and television. Leitbilder der Rundfunkregulierung im Ländervergleich." In: Media Studies 3/2009, pp. 323-328. link: Abstract/PDF
- "Andreas Anter/Stefan Breuer (eds.): Max Weber's sociology of the state." In: The State 2/2009, pp. 313-315.
- Politics. Power. Media. Collective review of Alfred-Joachim Hermanni: "Medienpolitik in den 80er Jahren. Machtpolitische Strategien der Parteien im Zuge der Einführung des dualen Rundfunksystems, Wiesbaden: VS 2008" and Patrick Donges: "Medialisierung politischer Organisationen. Parties in the media society, Wiesbaden: VS 2008." In: Media Studies 1/2009, p. 37-40 Link: Abstract/PDF
- Conference report: "Citizenship concepts in the field of tension between republicanism and liberalism." 18.04.2008, Berlin. In: H-Soz-u-Kult 13.06.2008. Link: HTML/PDF
- "Ulrich Haltern: What does sovereignty mean?" In: npl 2/2008, pp. 285-286.
- "Robert Chr. van Ooyen: Politics and the Constitution. Contributions to a political science theory of the constitution." In: Berliner Debatte Initial 3/2007, pp. 107-109.
- "Jens Lucht: Public service broadcasting: an obsolete model? Basics - Analyses - Perspectives." In: Media Studies 4/2006, pp. 480-481.
- "Lothar Mikos, Claudia Wegener (eds.): Qualitative Media Research. A handbook." In: Media Studies 2/2006, pp. 165-167.
- "Simone Schinz: Custom, Morality, Decency and the Phenomenon of Public Opinion in 18th Century England." In: Media Studies 2/2005, pp. 208-210.
- "Lutz M. Hagen: European Union and the media public sphere. Theoretical and empirical findings on the role of the media in the European unification process." In: Media Studies 3/2004, pp. 314-315.
- "Stephan Buchloh: 'Perverse, harmful to young people, hostile to the state'. Censorship in the Adenauer era as a mirror of the social climate." In: Media Studies 2/2004, pp. 188-189.
- "Andrea Gourd: The public sphere and digital television." In: Media Studies 3-4/2003, pp. 405-407.
- "Otfried Jarren, Hartmut Weßler (eds.): Journalism - Media - Public Sphere. An introduction." In: Media Studies 2/2003, pp. 201-202.
- "Ursula Maier-Rabler, Michael Latzer (eds.): Kommunikationskulturen zwischen Wandel und Kontinuität." In: Media Studies 4/2002, pp. 470-472.
Academic lectures
"Citizen protests and protest citizens." Lecture at the conference "Die neue Mitte? Right-wing ideologies and movements in Europe" at the Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden. Dresden, 16.09.2018.
"AfD and Pegida - between demarcation and embrace." Lecture at the conference "Hochburg des Rechtsextremismus? Saxony in Interregional and International Comparison" of the Hannah Arendt Institute for Totalitarianism Research and the Working Group "Comparative Dictatorship and Extremism Research" of the German Political Science Association (DVPW). Dresden, 07.09.2017 (together with Maik Herold).
"Identity constructions in politics. What makes right-wing populists strong." Lecture at the "Dialog Sozialwissenschaften Sachsen" of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. Dresden, 07.04.2017.
"Populism in liberal democracy. Between exclusion, appeasement and dialog." Lecture for the research network "External Democratization Policy". Willy Brandt School for Public Policy at the University of Erfurt, 23.03.2017.
- "Demonstration surveys at PEGIDA. Methodological challenges of researching a right-wing populist outrage movement." Lecture to the initiative group "Rechte Protestmobilisierungen" of the Institute for Protest and Movement Research Berlin (ipb). Dresden, 13.02.2017.
- "PEGIDA and the 'religious lack of musicality' - The success of a dubious thesis." Lecture to the working group "Politics and Religion" of the DVPW. Leipzig, 25.11.2016 (together with Stefanie Hammer).
- "Ethnocentrism as a motif. Right-wing populism in PEGIDA and the AfD." Lecture at the conference "Conflicting Populisms. Left and Right Wing Populism in Europe" of the University of Vienna and the Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue. Vienna, 09.-11.06.2016.
- "Identity Populism in PEGIDA and the Alternative for Germany (AfD). Perspectives for research." Lecture at the colloquium of the Center for Political Practices and Orders (C2PO) at the University of Erfurt, December 7, 2015.
- "The FDP as a 'political stand-up man' - equipped for the new challenges and social upheavals? Internal party differentiation processes." Lecture at the 2nd Party Symposium of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung "'Everything flows...' Changes in the world of work and the parties' reactions to them". Berlin, November 19, 2015.
- "Re-politicization in the age of post-democracy? The Dresden Rage Citizens and the New Protest from the Right". Lecture at the 33rd Annual Conference of the German Political Science Association (DGfP) "Politics in uncertain times: Wars, crises and new antagonisms". Mühlheim an der Ruhr, July 13, 2015 (together with Maik Herold).
- "Electoral and institutional problems of democracy." Commentary on the lectures by Reinhold Melcher and Markas Adeikis at the conference "Weltregionen im Vergleich. Polity, Politics und Policy" of the section "Comparative Politics" at the DVPW. Hamburg, January 25, 2015.
- "De-Legitimization Discourses of the Democratic Constitutional State." Lecture at the cooperation workshop "Text and Legitimization" of the core research areas TeNOR "Text and Normativity" (University of Lucerne) and the Collaborative Research Center 804 "Transcendence and Common Sense" (TU Dresden). Dresden, October 24, 2013.
- "Emerging Constitutional Orders?" Lecture at the conference "Global Constitutionalism. Legal Concepts and Emerging Transnational Orders". Dresden, July 18-19, 2013 (together with Oliviero Angeli).
- "Judicial Power in Federations. An Empirical Analysis of Institutional Conflicts between Constitutional Courts." Lecture at the 5th Central and Eastern European Forum for Young Legal, Political and Social Theorists, Section "Separation of Powers and Constitutional Review". Greifswald, May 3-4, 2013.
- "Rechtsgeltung. Deconstruction and Construction in the Upheavals after 1933 and 1945." Lecture at the conference "Die Transzendenz politischer Gründungsmomente." Dresden, March 19/20, 2012.
- "Between confederation and federal state. The constitutional limits of federal integration." Lecture at the conference "Die Demokratie, die Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit und die Europäische Integration." Dresden, June 17-18, 2010.
- "History and Theory of Federalism. Typological Reflections on the Federal State of the Basic Law." Lecture at the III Dresden Castle Seminar on German and European Constitutional Law on the topic: "Die Föderalismusreformen von 2006 und 2009 - Ein Gespräch über die Zukunft der bundesstaatlichen Ordnung in Deutschland". Eckberg Castle, January 22-23, 2010.
- "Federal constitutions - federal principles of order in monarchical, republican and liberal tradition." Lecture at the workshop of the thematic group 'Constitution and Politics'. Augsburg, November 27/28, 2009.
- "The Jurisdictional Practice of the Federal Constitutional Court on the Federal State. Methodological Considerations on Operationalization." Presentation at the International Conference "Wie wirkt Recht? Interdisciplinary Legal Research between Legal Reality, Legal Analysis and Legal Design." Lucerne, September 4-6, 2008.
- "Reasoning with precedent. A quantitative approach to jurisdictional strategy of the German Federal Constitutional Court." Presentation at the International Conference "Law and Society in the 21st Century. Transformations, Resistances, Futures." Humboldt University of Berlin, July 25-28, 2007.
- "Precedents as a self-referential resource of the Federal Constitutional Court." Lecture at the SFB Workshop "Deutungsmacht von Verfassungen und Verfassungsgerichten". Dresden, July 09 and 10, 2004.
Lectures on political education and political consulting
- "Parties, protest movements, social trends. Saxony before the 2019 state elections." Lecture at the MEHRwert democracy conference. Freital, 10.04.2019.
- "The social climate in Dresden. How is life in the state capital?" Lecture to participants of the educational seminar of the Arbeitnehmer-Zentrum Königswinter. Dresden, 08.03.2019.
- "Shifts in discourse. On the significance of Dresden for the Federal Republic." Lecture to representatives of the police union. Dresden, 22.11.2018.
- "Right-wing populism in Germany. A threat to democracy?" Lecture at the conference "Zeitbombe Demokratie?" of the Democracy Working Group of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom. Gummersbach, 10.11.2018.
- "Saxony ahead of the 2019 state elections." Lecture at the closed conference of Aktion Zivilcourage e.V. Pirna, 28.09.2018.
- "How to deal with populism in a liberal democracy. Three strategies." Lecture as part of a citizens' forum on "Dealing with right-wing populism" organized by the Suhl Alliance for Democracy and Tolerance. Suhl, 23.11.2017.
- "PEGIDA in the mirror of science." Lecture as part of the initiative seminar "Pegida und Co. Is right-wing extremism an East German problem?" organized by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. Dresden, 20.05.2017.
- "Inner-party democracy and civic participation." Lecture at the conference "Trends und Akzente kommunalpolitischer Arbeit" of the Bildungswerk für Kommunalpolitik Sachsen e.V. Dresden, 20.01.2017 (together with Maik Herold).
- "Two years of PEGIDA. How torn is Dresden today?" Lecture in the citizens' office of Christian Hartmann (MdL). Dresden, 23.11.2016 (together with Maik Herold).
- "Integration through dialog? Dresden's urban society in search of catharsis, scapegoats and unity." Lecture to the initiative group of the state capital Dresden for the application as Capital of Culture 2025. Dresden, 26.09.2016.
- "'Lügenpresse', 'Volksverräter', 'Nein zum Heim'. About the outraged center." Lecture to the Dresden Seniors' Academy. Dresden, 14.07.2016 (together with Maik Herold).
- "Right-wing populist protest in Germany. The 'Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the Occident'." Lecture as part of the non-commissioned officer training of the 4th company of the Army Combat Training Center, Letzlingen. Army Officer School in Dresden, 15.06.2016 (together with Maik Herold).
- "The unusual protest of a right-wing civil society. The 'Patriotic Europeans' in Dresden." Lecture as part of a workshop of the "Projektschmiede Dresden" at the Pestalozzi-Gymnasium Dresden, 08.06.2016.
- "Successful right-wing populism in the Federal Republic. The occupation of public space by PEGIDA." Lecture at the state youth congress of the Green Youth Bavaria. Erlangen, 07.05.2016.
- "PEGIDA in Dresden. A right-wing populist outrage movement." Lecture as part of the "Day of Civil Courage" at Geschwister-Scholl-Gymnasium in Nossen. Nossen, 05.02.2016 (together with Maik Herold).
- "Between Islamophobia, ethnocentrism and criticism of democracy: Who goes to PEGIDA and why?" Lecture to the CDU District Committee Dresden. Dresden, December 9, 2015 (together with Maik Herold).
- "What is PEGIDA and why?" Lecture to the former scholarship holders of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V., Dresden regional group. Dresden, November 24, 2015 (together with Maik Herold).
- "PEGIDA: 'Concerned citizens' or 'right-wing arsonists'?" Lecture as part of the officer training program of the Central Institute of the Bundeswehr Medical Service, Kiel. Army Officer School in Dresden, September 9, 2015 (together with Maik Herold).
- "Who goes to PEGIDA and why?" Lecture to the Association of German Students Dresden (VDSt). Dresden, June 30, 2015.
- "PEGIDA in Dresden." Lecture to the Dresden-Plauen local SPD association. Dresden, June 22, 2015 (together with Maik Herold).
- "PEGIDA in Dresden. Emergence and participant profiles." Lecture at the conference "Zwischenreflexion" for foreign and German volunteers in Germany. Dresden, March 11, 2015 (together with Maik Herold).
- "Understanding - reconciling - making amends. On the difficult relationship between Czechs and Germans." Lecture in the motorenhalle, Dresden on a German-Czech installation at the Střekov cemetery in Ústí nad Labem by Susan Donath. Dresden, June 18, 2008 (program of the exhibition). Further links: Susan Donath, Motorenhalle
- "Democracy at a crossroads? An overview of Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic." Lecture at the conference "Young democracies in the East. How resilient are they?" of the "Arbeitskreis Demokratie" of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation. Gummersbach, March 24, 2007.
- Organization of the conference "Die neue Mitte? Right-wing ideologies and movements in Europe". An event organized by the Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden in cooperation with the Federal Agency for Civic Education. Dresden, 17.09.-19.09.2018 (together with Johannes Schütz, Cornelia Mothes, Thomas Arnold, Raj Kollmorgen and Michal Nattke). Link: Conference program and videos for review.
- Organization of the conference "Global Constitutionalism. Legal Concepts and Emerging Transnational Orders". An event of the DFG research project "The Constitutionalization of Transnational Spaces. Emergent constitutional processes and constitutional interpretative semantics in political science analysis". Dresden, July 18-19, 2013 (together with Oliviero Angeli). Link: Conference program
- Organization of the conference "Die Transzendenz politischer Gründungsmomente." An event of the sub-project "Demokratische Ordnung zwischen Transzendenz und Gemeinsinn" of the Collaborative Research Center 804 "Transcendence and Common Sense". Dresden, 19/20 March 2012 (together with Daniel Schulz).
- Organization of the conference "New Capitalism. A democratized capitalism - How does this work?" An event of the Working Group Democracy at the Hotel am Griebnitzsee (Seminaris conference hotel), together with Raban D. Fuhrmann and Peter Schaefer, financed by the Regional Office Berlin-Brandenburg of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation, in Potsdam from February 24-26, 2006.
- Organization of the conference "Young Democracies in the East. How resilient are they?" An event of the Arbeitskreis Demokratie at the Theodor-Heuss-Akademie in Gummersbach, together with Mykhaylo Banakh and Stefan Kolev, March 23-25, 2007.
- SoSe 2018 HS: Sovereignty and constitutionalism
- Summer semester 2018 S: Florentine Republicanism
- WiSe 2017/18 PS: Introduction to the study of political theory (2x)
- Summer semester 2017 S: Political Thought: Modern Theories of Democracy (2x)
- WiSe 2016/17 PS: Introduction to the study of political theory (2x)
- WiSe 2015/16: PEGIDA in political science research.
- SoSe 2014 HS: Freedom and security. Counter-terrorism, digital networking and whistleblowing as current challenges for constitutional democracies
- Winter semester 2013/14 LS: Theory and development of the constitutional state
- WiSe 2012/13 PS: Introduction to the study of political theory
- WiSe 2011/12 PS: Introduction to the Study of Political Theory
- SoSe 2009 S: Democracy and the Public Sphere
- WiSe 2006/07 PS in teacher training: Introduction to the study of political theory
- WiSe 2005/06 PS in teacher training: Introduction to the study of political theory
- WiSe 2005/06 PS: Introduction to the Study of Political Theory
- Summer semester 2005 S in teacher training: Current Problems in Political Theory
- WiSe 2004/05 PS in teacher training: Introduction to the study of political theory
- WiSe 2004/05 PS: Introduction to the Study of Political Theory
- Summer semester 2004 S: Machiavelli: Ostracized or Republican