Conference Programme
International Conference
“Re-Thinking Community/Gemeinschaft Neu Denken“
(26.-28.10.2017, Culture Palace Dresden, Central Library)
Please note that both English and German serve as conference languages; translation services will be provided. We kindly ask you to register in advance [register here].
During breaks we invite you to visit the poster exhibition by various local and national community activists introducing their work. Participants include Sukuma arts e.V., Romano Sumnal e.V., FOCO e.V., TransFair e.V., Internationale Gärten Dresden e.V., Quartiersmanagement Nördliche Johannstadt and Prohlis. You can find the exhibition on the second floor.
Preliminary Programme
Thursday, 26.10.2017
4:00 pm | Welcome |
Grußwort Marit Kunis-Michel (Director, Central Library Dresden, DEU) Grußwort Prof. Dr. Lutz Hagen (Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science, TU Dresden, DEU) Grußwort Prof. Dr. Stefan Horlacher (International Students Commissioner, TU Dresden, DEU) |
4:10 pm | Introduction |
"Re-Thinking Community: Grundlagen einer interdisziplinären Gemeinschaftsforschung" |
4:30 pm | Keynote Lecture |
Moderator: Dr. des. Bettina Jansen (TU Dresden, DEU) “Digital Community and ‘Community to Go’” |
5:30 pm | Conference Warming |
7:30 pm |
Reading with Marica Bodrožić in German and English |
(Literaturhaus Villa Augustin, Author Information [in German]) |
Friday, 27.10.2017
9:30 am | Panel I: Anthropology, Political Science & Migration |
Chair: Dr. des. Sven Leuckert (TU Dresden, DEU) “Why Community Can Be ‘Good to Think With’: Joint Commitment, Belonging and Studied Indifference” "Gemeinschaft in Politischem Denken und Politischer Wissenschaft" "Der Gemeinschaftsbegriff in der Migrationsforschung" |
11:00 am | Coffee Break |
11:30 am |
Panel II: Intersections of Gender, Disability & Age |
Chair: Mirjam Frotscher M.A. (TU Dresden, DEU) “‘Außerdem sind wir fünf und wollen nicht sechs sein…‘: Intersektionale Codierungen der Grenzen politischer Gemeinschaft“ “Who Occupies Disability? Intersecting Communities and Communities in Conflict” “Die Neuverhandlung des Alters im Community-Kapitalismus“ |
1:00 pm | Lunch |
2:00 pm | Panel III: The Arts |
Chair: Prof. Dr. Stefan Horlacher (TU Dresden, DEU) “Knowable Communities? The Representation and Creation of Communities in Fiction” “The Community in Community Music: People, Places, Participation, Inclusivity, and Diversity” “Gemeinschaftlich Handeln: Kollektive Praktiken der Kunst und Butlers performative Theorie der Versammlung“ “Gemeinschaftsgefühl und ästhetische Erfahrung: Was das ‘deutsch-türkische Kino‘ mit Migration zu tun hat“ |
4:00 pm | Coffee Break |
4:30 pm | Keynote Lecture |
Moderator: Dr. des. Bettina Jansen (TU Dresden, DEU) “Peaceful Community” |
5:30 pm | Panel IV: Community Projects |
Chair: Dr. des. Bettina Jansen (TU Dresden, DEU) “‘Ein neues WIR‘: soziale Innovationen aus Gemeinschaftsprojekten und der global vernetzten Ökodorf-bewegung“ “Zukunftsstadt Dresden 2030+: Gemeinschaftsbildung durch gemeinsames Visionieren und Planen der Stadt der Zukunft (Methoden, Erfahrungen, Ergebnisse)“ |
Saturday, 28.10.2017
9:30 am | Keynote Lecture |
Moderator: Dr. des. Bettina Jansen (TU Dresden, DEU) “Prepositional Community” |
10:30 am | Coffee Break |
11:00 am |
Panel V: Sociology, Psychology, Religion & History |
Chair: Dr. Wieland Schwanebeck (TU Dresden, DEU) “Gemeinschaften und Gemeinschaftlichkeit: Zu einer soziologischen Grundlegung des Sozialen“ “Diversity in Community: Rethinking Psychological Perspectives on the Glue that Holds us Together” “Promoting the ‘Peaceable Garden Culture’ of Religion: The Dynamics of Overcoming Dystopia and the Building of Inclusive and Just Community” “(Re)Constructing Urban Communities: Statecraft, Social Science and Citizenship in Europe after 1945” |
1:00 pm | Lunch |
2:00 pm | Panel VI: Education & Sport |
Chair: Ulrike Kohn M.A. (TU Dresden, DEU) “Young People, a Vulnerable Population Made Dependent?” Prof. Andrew Azzopardi (University of Malta, MLT) “The Community within Sport: The Reconstruction of Community through ‘Sport for Development and Peace’ Programmes in Global Contexts” Dr. Holly Collison (Loughborough University, GBR) |
3:00 pm | Coffee Break |
3:30 pm | Plenary Panel Discussion: Community Projects |
Chair: Sabine Kirst (Saxon Agency for Civic Education, DEU), Dr. des. Bettina Jansen (TU Dresden, DEU) Podiumsdiskussion mit Vertreter_innen von Sukuma arts e.V., Quartiersmanagement Nördliche Johannstadt, Forum Community Organizing e.V., TransFair e.V./Fairtrade Deutschland, Romano Sumnal e.V. |
4:30 pm |
End of Conference & Farewell |
Dr. des. Bettina Jansen (TU Dresden, DEU) |