Career fields for EuroS graduates
With the linguistic master's degree program "European Languages", students acquire broadly diversified foreign language and linguistic competencies. In general, a linguistics degree forms the basis for a wide range of professional activities related to language. Depending on the chosen focus of study, various occupational fields open up in the scientific, journalistic, cultural or social sector and in the free economy.
The mastery of foreign languages and the ability to communicate interculturally as well as an understanding of cultural differences play an increasingly important role as companies and organizations grow together on an international level, so that the knowledge of different countries and their communication practices acquired in the course of studies is essential for activities in the field of international cultural work.
In addition, a university degree provides skills and methodological knowledge that enable students to acquire new knowledge independently, to work on complex problems, and to plan and organize with foresight - skills that are in demand in all senior professional positions.
Furthermore, a degree in linguistics (as in many other humanities subjects) enables students with special aptitude to pursue academic careers in research and teaching. For professions outside the university, on the other hand, one is more likely to qualify if one combines linguistic studies with another subject, such as business administration or computer science.
For linguists, the following occupational fields are particularly suitable:
- Research and teaching in the field of linguistics
- Adult education in companies and public educational institutions
- work in museums, libraries and archives
- Creation of linguistic products for media and publishing houses (e.g. language textbooks, dictionaries)
Language and Culture Didactics
- Youth group leadership (e.g. international youth encounters)
- Writing training
- Transcription, conversation research
- Speech training, communication training
- Text editing / proofreading, e.g. for media and publishing houses
- Translation / Interpreting
- Press and public relations
- Language consulting
- Communication and media consulting, coaching
- Intercultural communication and conflict management
Cultural institutions
- Work in museums, libraries and archives
- Documentation and revitalization of languages
- Culture and event management
Computers / New Media
- Optimization of human-machine interfaces
- Development of novel teaching and learning systems
- Technical editing and text production
Politics and Administration
- diplomatic service
- terminology work in public authorities
- consulting in language and cultural policy
- translation / interpreting
Becker-Mrotzek, Michael/ Brünner, Gisela / Cölfen, Hermann (Hg.): Linguistische Berufe. Ein Ratgeber zu aktuellen linguistischen Berufsfeldern. Frankfurt/M. u.a.: Peter Lang, 2000.
Beyler, Ulrike: Traumberufe mit Fremdsprachen: Anforderungen für den Berufseinstieg. München: Redline Wirtschaft, 2008.
Further information LINSE – Linguistik-Server Essen