Chairs involved in the European Languages MA course
Table of contents
Applied linguistics

Chair holder
NameProf. Dr. Simon Meier-Vieracker
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Core research areas:
- Corpus linguistics
- Sociolinguistics
- Cultural-analytical linguistics
- Language of social movements
English Linguistics

Chair Holder
NameProf. Dr. Claudia Lange
Teaching and research
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Visiting address:
Wiener Str. 48, Room 3.12
01219 Dresden
Office hours:
During the lecture period: online by appointment via email
Core research areas:
- Postcolonial Englishes
- Language Contact
- Standardization
- Discourse Pragmatics
German as a Foreign Language

NameProf. Dr. Anja Binanzer
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Core research areas:
Language acquisition and multilingualism
Grammar and grammar acquisition
Cognitive linguistics
Chair of German as a Foreign Language
German linguistics and language history

NameMr Prof. Dr. Alexander Lasch
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Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology Institute of German Studies and Media Cultures
D-01062 Dresden
Visitor Adress:
Wiener Straße 48, Room 202
D-01219 Dresden
Office hours:
- Thursday:
- 13:30 - 14:30
Die Sprechstunde biete ich in Präsenz oder digital ( an. Eine Anmeldung ist ausdrücklich weder notwendig noch erbeten.
Core research areas:
- Construction grammar
- Discourse- and domain-specific communication in the past and present
- functional and regional varieties
- Topics in applied linguistics
- digital humanities
Chair of German Linguistics and Language History
Classical Philology
Core research areas:
- Ancient historiography from a literary and cultural studies perspective
- (Auto-)biographical texts (especially as part of the educational culture of the 1st and 2nd centuries AD)
- Anachronisms as a literary process (especially in Augustan poetry)
- Invectiveness as a linguistic and social phenomenon (especially in the 1st century BC)
- Interdisciplinarity in ancient studies and beyond
Deputy Head of Chair from the summer semester 2023 will be Jun.-Prof. Dr. Mario Baumann (Classical Studies/Greek Literature).

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Mario Baumann
Classics/Greek Literature
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Visiting address:
Wiener Straße 48, Zimmer 1.08
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
nach Vereinbarung
Romance Linguistics (Italian, French)

Chair Holder
NameProf. Dr. Anna-Maria De Cesare Greenwald
Romance Linguistics
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Visiting address:
W48, 4th Floor, ROOM 420 Wiener Straße 48
01219 Dresden
Office hours:
- Tuesday:
- 11:15 - 12:15
- during semester
Lecture-free period: 19.02.25 / 03.03.25 / 18.03.25 / 01.04.25 -- 11:00-12:00 Uhr (digital). Please register in advance by e-mail.
Core research areas:
- Discourse and text linguistics
- Corpus linguistics
- Contact and contrastive linguistics
- grammaticography
- Gender linguistics
Chair of Romance Linguistics (French/Italian)
Romance Linguistics (Spanish, French)

NameProf. Dr. Heinrich Böhmer
Professur für Romanistische Sprachwissenschaft (Franz./Span.)
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Visiting address:
W48, Raum 409 Wiener Straße 48
01219 Dresden
Office hours:
- Friday:
- 13:00 - 14:00
- WS 2022/23
vorlesungsfreie Zeit: Di., 18.02.25, 12-13 Uhr / Mi., 26.02.25, 15-16 Uhr / Mi., 05.03.25, 15-16 Uhr
Core research areas:
- Multilingualism research
- contrastive linguistics
- cognitive semantics
- psycholinguistics
Chair of Romance Linguistics (Spanish, French)
Slavic Linguistics

NameProf. Dr. Holger Kuße
Chair of Linguistics and History of Slavic Languages
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Visiting address:
Bürogebäude Wiener Straße, Room 217 Wiener Straße 48
01219 Dresden
Office hours:
- Wednesday:
- 10:00 - 12:00
Core research areas:
- Linguistic theory and pragmalinguistics
- Cultural linguistics and discourse linguistics (religion, politics, economics, etc.)
- historical linguistics
- intercultural communication