Project A02: Ultra High-Speed Wireless Board-to-Board Computer Communication
Requirements on transmission rate and flexibility of board-to-board communications are highly increasing. Therefore, as a replacement for conventional wired connections, within the project wireless transmission techniques in the 180 to 300 GHz frequency range with data rates of 100 Gbit/s and beyond are developed. The high carrier frequency allows compact antenna arrays with adaptive radiation pattern on a single chip. To create flexible energy-efficient solutions with multiple antenna arrays per board, methods for interference minimization, beamswitching, low-latency coding and transmission, as well as modulation schemes optimized for A/D interfaces with coarse quantization are studied.
Role within the CRC 912
The role of the A02 project is to come up with an energy-efficient baseband concept
that provides a reliable data transmission. The proposed baseband methods
need to match to the considered analog circuits and antennas. Hence, there is
a major collaboration to the projects A01 (Ellinger) and A05 (Plettemeier). Our
collaboration with A03 (Jorswieck) is on the impact of quantization on relaying
strategies including the delivery of system and channel models. We will deliver
these models also to A08 (Strufe/Franz/Jorswieck) and support this project on
channel coding with security constraints by providing coding parameters. The
study of combining network coding based storage and channel coding includes
a cooperation with project A13 (Fitzek). In addition, we will discuss ideas on
considering the HAEC Box as an advanced base station in preparation for Phase III. There is a collaboration
with project A12 (Santini) in terms of providing information about the interference characteristic of the
wireless links in the HAEC Box which is highly relevant for advanced routing. In addition, numerical optimization
problems on the on-board optical networks come up, such that there is a collaboration with projects
A07 (Ellinger), A10 (Bock) and A11 (Jamshidi). With respect to the HAEC simulator there is collaboration
with project A04 (Nagel) providing specications of wireless links, which are also given to project B04 (Härtig).
On the use of feedback-based channel coding, our results will be an input to project A03 (Jorswieck)
on efficient cooperative communications in multi-hop networks, where the availability of feedback channels
also will have an impact on the design of appropriate relaying and network coding schemes for multi-hop
interference channels.
Principal Investigators
PhD Students
- Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Jans
- Dipl.-Ing. Sandra Bender
- Dipl.Math. Johannes Israel
- M . Sc. John Martinovic
former Staff