Hybrid Spaces
Time-slot booking: https://ixlabbook.inf.tu-dresden.de/
Hybrid Spaces explores the creation of part-real, part-virtual spaces, in which physical and virtual structures extend, intertwine and blend with one another. To better understand the possibilities of such spaces and how we might approach their design and construction, a team of informatik, architecture and design researchers and students join forces to augment the Robotron Kantine, both physically and virtually.
Hybrid Spaces transforms the Kantine into a multisensory parkour in which concepts of multisensory congruence and conflict, tangibility and persistence, embodied action and affordance provide the basic building materials. With untethered mixed reality head-mounted displays and a system developed by TU Dresden IXLAB, visitors see, touch and hear a multi-layered world in which the boundary between virtual and physical is never quite certain.
For the duration of Hybrid Spaces, the Kantine will exist in a superposition of states, a layering of multiple realities, collapsing uniquely under the gaze of each viewer. In this hybrid space, what may be true for one viewer may not be so for another. The true impact of augmented reality, it seems, may be the undermining of the very idea of a single shared reality, an illusion we have laboured so long to construct.
Admission is free.
Opening hours:
Wednesday 15.02. 16:00 - 19:00 Uhr
Thursday 16.02. 16:00 - 19:00 Uhr
Friday 17.02. 16:00 - 19:00 Uhr
Saturday 18.02. 12:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Time-slot booking: https://ixlabbook.inf.tu-dresden.de/
Jun. Prof. Dr. Matthew McGinity IXLAB Immersive Experience Lab, Fakultät Informatik, TU Dresden
Prof. Dr. Henning Haupt, Professur für Gestaltungslehre, Fakultät Architektur, TU Dresden
Prof. Dr. Kerstin Schankweiler, Professur für Bildwissenschaften im globalen Kontext Institut für Kunstwissenschaft, Philosophische Fakultät, TU Dresden
Hendrik Appel, Lorenz Hoffmann, Kaspar Kleinhenz, Kelsang Mende, Chiara Schmidt, Valentin Schroers, Adam Streicher, Ksenija Tajsic
IXLAB software and support: Krishnan Chandran, Florian Schier, Daniel Zeidler, Zhongyuan Yu