User profiles and policies
In case of the device, which is managed via ZENworks Configuration Management, distribution and establishment of the device-related and user-related guidelines are allowed apart from the software packages. In addition to rights-, browser- and further security relevant settings, the following guidelines are of the major importance for the user:
Dynamic local user
With the activation of this guideline, the local user account for the login on the devices is no longer needed. With the network login on the device is going to be temporarily of the same name created and after logout will be deleted. In doing so the user management on the local devices can be omitted. The devices are accessible for all of the group participants with the appropriate rights.
Centrally stored profiles
As a rule, this guideline is used together with the setting of “Dynamic local user”. It is responsible for the copying of all of the personal settings (desktop settings, bookmarks, adjusted options in Office package etc.) from the central location in the corresponding profile directory on the local drive during the login on arbitrary (known in the management system) devices. In doing so the usual environment stays present. During logout, the centrally stored profile will be updated and locally deleted.
The activation of these guidelines leads to the longer log in and log out times, depending on the size of the profile. Therefore the permitted size of the personal profile can be limited.
Further information on the profile and its maintenance can be found here.