FLINTA* Physics Breakfast
With the help of equal opportunities funds, students from the Physics Faculty of the TUD organised three breakfasts for FLINTA* members (women, lesbians, intersex, non-binary, trans, agender) of the faculty in the summer semester of 2022. They were very comprehensively supported by the Equal Opportunities Officer, her deputy and the Divisional Controller.
A total of 250€ of equal opportunities funds were granted, from which drinks such as coffee, tea and juices as well as savoury and sweet dishes were purchased. The special highlight was the homemade waffles with fruit salad, so that the breakfast participants wanted for nothing. Each breakfast was attended by about 20 participants from all status groups of the physics faculty, including female staff, students and professors. Such events provide a wonderful opportunity for networking and exchange on various topics, from physics and research to issues such as the cycle path situation in Dresden or how to make the best coffee.
It is gratifying to hear that the event met all expectations and was gratefully received by all participants. Thanks to the equality funds, food and drinks could be provided so that the threshold to simply drop in was low. It is hoped that such events will continue to take place and help to create an inclusive and supportive environment for FLINTA members at the Faculty of Physics at TUD. It is important that such initiatives to promote gender equality in educational institutions continue in order to create a diverse and inclusive academic community.
Now only the question remains - who would like to plan the next round?