Bachelor and Master Specialisation Areas
Table of contents
Course Catalogue

Dean of studies, Physics Master: Prof. Dr. Arno Straessner
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For both the Bachelor and Master programmes, the Physics department offers the same five specialisation areas: the choice of specialisation for the Master's programme is, in principle, independent of the specialisation chosen for the Bachelor. Please use for planning only the following oficial catalogues ordered by specialisation area:
Courses are divided into three categories, explained below. Some courses are designated as part of several specialisations and may be categorised differently in each. Please don't forget to read the detailed information on the regulations for course choices and assessments further below.
Under the following links the institutes give general background information about the specialisation areas.
1. Applied Solid State Physics and Photonics
overview of instruction and curriculum, available thesis topics
2. Solid State and Materials Physics
overview of instruction and curriculum, available thesis topics
3. Soft Condensed Matter and Biological Physics
overview of instruction and curriculum, available thesis topics
4. Particle and Nuclear Physics
overview of instruction and curriculum, available thesis topics
5. Theoretical Physics
overview of instruction and curriculum, available thesis topics, nformation slides 2022/23
Information about the Physics Specialisation modules in the bachelor and master programmes
For the ungraded specialisation module "Phy-PV" in the bachelor programme
- From the catalogue above, the following is to be chosen: 4 semester hours per week (SWS) lecture/tutorial (V/Ü), regularly in the 6th semester. Completing (a part of) the module in an earlier semester is also possible.
- The assessment (German acronym: PL) consists of a "successfully completed written problem solution," such as a term paper or homework assignments, either distributed over the course of the semester or assigned at the end, at the instructor's discretion.
- It is possible to combine courses from different specialisation areas in this module, e.g. to better prepare the later choice of the specialisation area in the master programme.
- If the 4 SWS are covered over 2 courses, (e.g. 2/1 plus 2/0, not 3/1), completing an assessment in one course is sufficient.
- Registration for the assessment (PL) is to be done in exactly one specialisation area online through selma. The deadlines appear online here and on the bulletin board of the examination office; they fall near the middle of the semester. The weeks before the registration can be used as an orientation. Individual partial assignments (e.g. homework) may arise before registration. The results are communicated via this document by the lecturer to the examination office (docx version).
For the graded specialisation module "Phy-Ma-Vert" in the master programme:
- From the catalogue above, in one of the five specialisation areas, students are to choose: 12 SWS lecture/tutorial (V/Ü) plus 4 SWS laboratory practical/independent study, intended for the first and second semester of the master programme. There is no registration for lectures or tutorials.
- The graded assessment is a 45-minute oral exam. The subject matter tested is generally the content and skills learned in two thematic areas (e.g. two lectures) according to the student's choice, in addition to general knowledge from the chosen specialisation. After conferring with the selected examiner, students personally sign up for an exam appointment (day, time!) at the Examination Office for physics, at least 14 days before the exam day. In special cases it can be agreed among all parties that the exam is given by two examiners together. Only when students register for an exam is their choice of specialisation area made official.
- The examination prerequisite is a "portfolio of written problem solutions" which depends on the specialisation area:
- Applied Solid State Physics and Photonics: laboratory practical
- Solid State and Materials Physics: laboratory practical
- Soft Condensed Matter and Biological Physics: computer practical or portfolio of written problem solutions in three courses of the specilisation area, e.g. as part of the tutorials
- Particle and Nuclear Physics: combination of laboratory practical and/or quantum field theory practical
- Theoretical Physics: portfolio of written problem solutions in three courses of the specilisation area, e.g. as part of the tutorials
- Details and lab practical inscription procedures are announced by each specialisation on the sites linked above, under "Instruction and Curriculum". In addition a mandatory registration for exam prerequisites has to occur through selma (see overview page for physics and the bulletin board of the Examination Office) during the first two months of the semester in which the exam prerequisites are fulfilled. The results are communicated via this document by the lecturer to the examination office (docx version).
Categorisation of Courses
All-level Lecture in selected specialisation (German acronym: W)
- may be attended during the Bachelor studies or during the Master studies;
- may be selected by the student as thematic area for the Master examination;
- offers an assessment (PL) relevant for the specialisation module "Phy-PV" in the Bachelor programme.
Master-level Lecture in selected specialisation (German acronym: Wm)
- due to its advanced level it is mainly suited for the Master programme;
- may be selected by the student as thematic area for the Master examination;
- can offer an assessment (PL) relevant for the specialisation module "Phy-PV" in the Bachelor programme for interested students; this holds for all VWM lectures in the specialisation area "Theoretical Physics" and potentially on demand also for VWM lectures in other sepecialisation areas.
Free Elective Lecture in selected specialisation (German acronym: F)
- may not be appropriate for Bachelor's students due to its advanced level;
- does not offer an assessment (PL) for the Bachelor programme;
- cannot be selected by the student as thematic area for the Master examination.