Jun 10, 2024
Now new: Writing didactics start-up aid for teachers to support student writing
Integrating writing didactics into teaching is often a real challenge. In order to support lecturers, supervisors and tutors in designing writing-promoting teaching and accompanying student writing processes, the Writing Center of TU Dresden (Schreibzentrum - SZD) has published the brochure Starthilfe Schreibdidaktik ("Writing Didactics Starter Guide").
In a total of fice modules, you have the opportunity to reflect on your role as a teacher in relation to student writing. In addition to didactic input, each chapter contains concrete methods or checklists as well as useful exercises that you can pass on to your students. Best practice examples from other teachers round off the brochure with authentic insights into different didactic approaches to writing.
The Writing Didactics Starter Guide is available digitally and in print in German. It can be downloaded as an accessible PDF with a form function for immediate editing from the Writing Center website: to the Writing Didactics Starter Guide (PDF with form function)
Table of contents
Suggestion for Citation:
Writing Center of the TU Dresden et al., publisher. Starthilfe Schreibdidaktik. Praktische Anleitungen, Tipps und Methoden zum Schreiben in der Hochschullehre. Schreibdidaktische Methoden für Lehrende an Hochschulen. 2023.
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Writing Center of TU Dresden
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01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Zentrum für Weiterbildung/Career Service
01062 Dresden
The TU Dresden Writing Center (SZD) supports students and lecturers with offers for planning and writing various texts during their studies, such as assignments, protocols, seminar papers and theses, and for teaching academic writing in teaching and supervision. All information on offers and possibilities for support can be found in the areas for students and lecturers.