Mar 23, 2022
Scientific writing for many a topic: That was the first supraregional digital Long Night of Writing *☾
On March 3, 2022, the Writing Center of TU Dresden and the SLUB TextLab organized the first supraregional Long Night against Procrastination ("Lange Nacht des Schreibens" in German, for short "LNDS"), this time in cooperation with the ULB Darmstadt, the UB Stuttgart as well as the Writing Center of TU Darmstadt and the Writing Workshop of the University of Stuttgart.
The organizational teams and the participants interviewed agreed that there should be a repeat next year.
Digital makes it possible
Both the registration figures and the evaluation results underscore the success of the event and the need for the offering. In addition to the core target groups at the university locations in Dresden, Darmstadt and Stuttgart, word of the LNDS had also spread among students at other universities. And so, with 600 registrations from all parts of Germany and from 49 different universities, a "long night community" larger than ever before came together to gather momentum for their writing projects. Students from the TU Dresden made up by far the largest group with 281 registrations.
The high number of participants shows that the program was well received (event program in German, PDF, not barrier-free). Thus, 1460 participations in workshops, lectures, consultation, the writing room and the break program were counted. Many participants attended not only one program item, but several LNDS offerings. The number of participants in the workshops Getting into Writing, Staying in Writing (76 participants), Structuring the Writing Day (84 participants), and First Aid for Text: Faster Scientific Formulation (101 participants) went through the roof.
Participation was also very high in the break offerings: in three yoga sessions led by the DHSZ, tense muscles were loosened and thoughts were revived. The eye gymnastics offered even recorded the second-highest number of participants ever with 91 participants.
Good feedback and positive voices
The evaluation results are very satisfactory: 101 participants gave feedback on the event. Of these, 90% stated that attending the LNDS had been worthwhile for them, 96% would attend the event again and 100% would recommend it to others. Both the quality of the offering and the organization and technical implementation were generally rated very positively:

Since the first LNDS at TU Dresden in 2016, the black cat and the rising moon have stood for writing at night - and against procrastinating late at night.
- "Really great idea, the lectures were all well chosen and really very informative. Has really helped me personally, please keep it up! TOP!"
- "SUUUUUPER OFFER! Far too few know about it or do not dare or do not understand how important it is to think about such things (which are the subject of the workshops) or to deal with it (what scientific work is). Partly I find that fellow students are not only naive, but also ignorant :("
- "Really great concept, super organization and lots of opportunities to educate yourself or get help. Thank you very much, keep it up!"
- "I particularly liked the fact that the online format made it possible for several universities and writing centers to organize the Long Night together. This way, not everyone has to offer everything for themselves and you can see how the others do it. High praise for this successful event!"
In addition to words of praise, the surveyed participants also voiced constructive criticism and already some very concrete suggestions on how the event can be even better next year. With these ideas and suggestions, the night will be turned into a text again next year.
Greeting by Prof. Michael Kobel, Prorector Education of TU Dresden © TU Dresden
A heartfelt thank you once again to all who contributed to the success of the event.
Other contributions to LNDS:
The TU Dresden Writing Center and the SLUB TextLab are there for TU Dresden students and staff all year round.

Writing Center of TU Dresden
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