Jan 15, 2019
Cultural Office photo competition
As every semester the excursion participants and photographers of the Cultural Office can take part in a photo competition. With your best photo of our excursions you get the opportunity to share your great moments with the others and to see your photo on our next flyer! Just take part and win cool ...
1st price: 50€ voucher for photo material in a shop in Dresden
2nd price: 5€ travel voucher for our excursions
3rd price: TUD merchandise set
and your picture on our next flyer!
Upload up to 5 of your best photos taken on our excursions in the Facebook event and collect likes. The photos with the most likes will be rated by the jury of the International Office. You can also send an email with your pictures or a download link to .
We look forward to seeing all your great photos!
The competition is open until January 31st.
With the participation in the competition you agree on the use of your submitted pictures for information material of the International Office of the TU Dresden. Moreover the photos should be provided in a high resolution.
Thanks to the www.studentenwerk-dresden.de for their support!
Find all details on www.tu-dresden.de/kultur and www.facebook.com/kulturbuero.

Cultural Office at the International Office
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
SG 8.3 International Office, 157
Mommsenstraße 6
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology
SG 8.3 International Office
Culture Office, Room 157
Frau Kožica
Mommsenstraße 6
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
Appointments by prior arrangement.