Bees and insect-friendly meadows on the TU campus
Since April 2018 there have been several bee colonies on the meadows at Bergstrasse 69. They are looked after by employees of the Directorate Facility Management as well as by other employees interested in beekeeping. The bee colonies are inspected once a week until the summer solstice. The laying activity of the queen, the composition of the colony and, of course, the honey input are regularly checked.
If you are interested in learning more about bees, their keeping, care and the honey harvest, you are welcome to contact the environmental protection group.
Insect-friendly campus
In order to significantly improve the conditions on campus for bees, butterflies and other insects, appropriate measures to establish insect-friendly meadows were started in May 2017. In general, the decline in butterflies, wild bees and other important pollinating insects has increased dramatically in recent years. Supported by experts of the project "Puppenstube gesucht" and "Biene sucht Blüte" of the Dresdner Imkerverein e.V. as well as in cooperation with the Staatsbetrieb Sächsisches Immobilien- und Baumanagement principles for an insect-friendly management of meadows on the campus of the TU Dresden were developed.
The changed maintenance regime of the meadows has significantly fewer mowing dates per year. In addition, the mown material remains on the area for a few days and approx. 30 % is left unmown. These areas serve the insects as a retreat and are only cut at the next mowing. A structurally rich mosaic of mowing areas is created.
Since 2018, a total of 2.6 hectares of meadows have been managed in an insect-friendly manner at 8 locations on the campus. These meadows can be recognised by information signs. A mapping of the meadows took place in spring and summer 2019. The profiles created here have been published. The species list and reports can be viewed by entering the respective meadow numbers (No. 191 to 198).
In order to provide interested parties with further information on the subject of insect-friendly meadow mowing and insect protection, a manual with care instructions has been developed (in German). It contains tips, advice and explanations for the creation and mowing of insect-friendly meadows.