Jul 23, 2014
The first professor of the Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden (cfaed) took up his work
The first professor of the Center for Advancing Electronics
Dresden (cfaed) took up his work in the Cluster of Excellence
for Electronics of Technische Universität Dresden (TUD). Prof.
Dr.-Ing. Jeronimo Castrillon, who received his official
certificate of appointment by TUD-rector Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans
Müller-Steinhagen in June, holds the newly created cfaed chair
for ‘Compiler Construction’. Thus, the 33-year-old computer
expert from Colombia fills the first of five designated cfaed
professorships. Two more professors will start their research
for cfaed in the area of molecular functional materials and
organic electronics in the second half of 2014.
Before joining cfaed, Prof. Castrillon was a senior researcher
at the chair for ‘Software for Systems on Silicon’ at
Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RWTH) Aachen
University. At RWTH, also a university of excellence, he
received his PhD degree (Dr.-Ing.) in Electrical Engineering
and Information Technology with honors in 2013. Also with
honors, he gained the Electronics Engineering degree from
Pontificia Bolivariana University in Colombia in 2004 and the
master degree from the Advanced Learning and Research Institute
(ALaRI) of the University of Lugano / Switzerland in 2006. His
research interests lie on methodologies, languages, tools, and
algorithms for programming complex electronic systems. Prof.
Castrillon received numerous awards, including the Swiss
Excellence Government Scholarship 2005 and the Intel Doctoral
Award 2012.
In November 2012, about 200 scientists started the basic
research about new microchip technologies. Since then, 80 PhD
students and seven research group leaders have been recruited.
Currently, about 300 engineering and natural scientists are
working togehter in the nine cfaed research paths. The hiring
of two additional professors and three research group leaders
is planned. “We want to build up about 15 new research groups
in cfaed,” cluster coordinator Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Fettweis,
Vodafone Chair for Mobile Communication Systems at TU Dresden,
says. In addition to TUD, Technische Universität Chemnitz and
nine other non-university research institutes belong to the
eleven participating institutes of the Cluster. cfaed is funded
with € 34 million by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Further enquiries:
Birgit Holthaus
cfaed press officer
19 49 351 463-42848