Aug 26, 2013
First “Grand Professor Week” in the Cluster of Excellence cfaed
The French Professor of Computer Science Hélène Kirchner
will visit the Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden
(cfaed). In the cluster of excellence for microelectronics at
the Technische Universität Dresden she will give two lectures
and talk with some young scientists about their career
development. On Wednesday, 28 August, 3pm, she will give a talk
on “Computation and Deduction with rewriting and strategies” at
the Institute of Computer Science (Nöthnitzer Straße 46, Room
INF 1004). On Thursday, 29 August, 3pm (same location), she
will present the National French Institute for Computer Science
“INRIA” and its international strategies.
Hélène Kirchner is director for International Relations of the “Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en automatique” (INRIA) at Le Chesnay nearby Paris. She obtained her PhD in computer Science in 1982 and her Habilitation (Thèse d’Etat) in 1985. Afterwards, she worked at the French National Centre for Scientific Research and for the University of Stanford (USA). Her research focus is the design and development of safe software, with a special emphasis on deduction and computation by rewriting and strategies. Since 2005, she applies these techniques to the design and verification of security policies, in particular to access control policies, and to the modeling of bio-chemical processes with graph transformations. Since 2010, she is director at the INRIA and head of International Relations. The 60-year-old scientist is married and has four children.
The other guest of the “Grand Professor Week” is the professor emeritus for electrical engineering, Heinrich Meyr, from Aachen who also will meet young cfaed scientists. The third “Grand Professor” of the cfaed, James R. Cordy from the Queen’s University (Canada), can unfortunately not attend at this week.
The cfaed Grand Professor program with outstanding international scientists should inspire and support the young investigators in the cluster of excellence in their development. The young people benefit from the scientific and personnel experience of the Grand Professors, and vice versa they pursue their own research interests within cfaed jointly with the young researchers.