Dec 08, 2021
Under the patronage of the Vice-Rector University Culture, the fundraising campaign "Sponsorship for Benches on Campus - Challenge of Faculties and Units" has been launched.
You are cordially invited to collect funds in your faculty or central unit for benches or seating areas from now until January 31, 2022. Starting in summer of 2022, these will be placed close to the central location of your faculty or central unit on the TU Dresden campus.
The active participation of many individual contributors will allow us to create places for communication, networking, or simply relaxing, which can be used by all faculty members, partners, and passers-by.
Donations are welcome indicating the bench sponsorship and the name of your faculty / central unit as the reference for your wire transfer:
You can donate directly via PAYPAL or by transferring money to the following bank account:
Account holder: Gesellschaft von Freunden und Förderern der TU Dresden e. V.
IBAN: DE37 8508 0000 0468 0674 00
Reference: Patenbänke – Faculty / Central Unit [please add the actual name]
You will find more detailed information as well as the current amount donated by your faculty / central unit and the number of benches that have been funded on our website
Our vision of the campus of the future - join us in shaping it!